Croft, Thomas I
Biography: Born
Claims: 1882 NE 36-8-27. School held in their home.
First trustee. First meeting of the council held at his home, Jan 8,
1884 and thereafter until 1900. Helped form the Agricultural Society in
Probable Significance: High
Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 317
Images: As Above
Content: Good additional information

McKinnon, John
Claims: Reeve – 1884 - 1889
Probable Significance: High
Source: Trails Along the Pipestone x
/ Pioneers of the
Pipestone 36
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information

McDonald, William
Biography: Born Nov. 30, 1831 Inverness, Scotland
Claims: 1882 –SE 36-9-27. “Laggan Farm”. 1892
– wheat from Laggan Farm took top honours at an International
Miller’s Convention in Glasgow, Scotland. Reeve for a time.
Donated land for Daybreak Church SW 31-9-26
Probable Significance: High
Source: Trails Along the Pipestone x, 739
Images: Page x
Content: Good additional information

Powers, A.P.
Biography: Born Bangor, Wales ; Died Match 26, 1919
Claims: 1882. 20-9-26. Sec. Treas. R.M. of Pipestone
when it was organized in 1884. Position later included
management of
the Municipal Telephone System. Moved to Reston.
Probable Significance: High
Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 596
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information

Smith A.E.
Biography: Born Lanark Co. ON. 1875 : Died Nov. 29. 1950.
Claims: Came to Elm Valley with his parents in 1888. Filed for a
homestead at age 16 – in 1891. Learned
butchering – worked
out of his home and helped with local beef rings. Butcher shop in
Reston in 1889 - 1950 .
One of the town’s first Insurance Agents
(1900 – 1948). Pipestone Municipal Council. Involved in Cemetery
Probable Significance: High
Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 494, 601
Images: N/A
Content: Good additional information

Wilkins, William
Biography: Born Nethercote Farm, Bourton-on-the-Water, English
Cotswolds. 1868
Claims: Was an Assistant Principal of a Boys School in Bourton
Eng. Came with two brothers to 18-7-27 in 1890.
One of the
founders of the Reston Baptist Church. Deacon. Soloist and member
of the choir. Assistant Sec. Tres.
Then Sec. Tres. Pipestone R.M.
1922 – 45. Reston School Board 1903 - 1933
Probable Significance: High
Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 608
Images: N/A
Content: Good additional information