![]() Notable People
Pipestone's Influential Citizens ![]() Browse the Full List of Notable People ![]() Pipestone's Selected Significant People ![]() 1. FIRST NATIONS 2. PIONEERS 3. BUSINESS PEOPLE 4. SERVICES 5. BUILDERS 6. POLITICIANS 7. MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION 8. CLERGY 9. EDUCATION 10. MEDICAL SERVICES 11. RAILWAY 12. RECREATION 13. COMMUNITY 14. FAMOUS SONS & DAUGHTERS From a survey of the local history books we have identified about 150 names that seem to have had an impact on the town and region and recorded the information available. We could have included more people and we realize that sometimes even important or interesting people might not be represented in those publications. We are especially interested in locating descendants or anyone connected to the people on the list. We would also like additional facts if you have them, photos or documents if available, and comments about how people have had an impact on their community and their world. Full List 1. First Nations 2. Pioneers 3. Early Business People 4. Services & Professionals 5. Builders 6. Early Politicians 7. Municipal and Town Administration 8. Clergy 9. Educators and School Employees 10. Medical Services 11. Railway Employees 12. Recreational 13. Community Service 14. Renowned Individuals 1. FIRST NATIONS Chaski, Charlie Biography: Born 1867 Claims: Claimed to have watched the Battle of Little Bighorn (1876) as a child. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 335 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Cuuiyukoa, Charlie Biography: Claims: Remembered walking the Little Bighorn site after the battle. Remembered hunting buffalo with bow and arrow. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 7 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Icimana Biography: Dies 1886 Claims: Member of Sioux at Pipestone. Carried seven scalps. Tried to persuade Pipestone Band to rise with Riel in 1885 Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 7 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Wakpa, John Biography: Died 1887 Claims: Leader of a Sioux band that settled in the Pipestone Valley after the Battle of Little Bighorn. Good friend to “the white man”, especially the earliest settlers Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 7 Images: N/A Content: No additional information 2. PIONEERS Ayers, Mrs. Robert (Mary Ann Smith) Biography: Claims: Instrumental in getting Hillview School established. 1891 Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 237 Images: N/A Content: Little additional information Baldwin, Thomas Biography: Claims: Approached about using part of his land for the Village of Reston and refused. When the CPR suggested a site farther west locals signed a petition in favour of the current site close to Baldwin’s farm. Baldwin was suggested as a name for the village but Mr. Baldwin objected and suggested Reston as it was already in use for the Post Office on nearby William Bulloch’s farm. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 415 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 13, 53 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information (Pioneers of the Pipestone 13) Bardel, Kristjan Jonsson Biography: Born Iceland. Died Aug. 1911 Claims: Belmont 1886. 1890 – moved to Sinclair area with three sons. Added Bardel to the “Jonsson” family name to avoid confusion. Brothers each went by different names but the locals called them the Bardel Brothers. Instrumental in getting the Bardel School built. Served as Justice of the Peace. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 664 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Bulloch, Robert Sr. Biography: Born March 1, 1846 at Lanark Ontario Claims: 1882 to Lanark district – S 27-7-27. Broke some land, returned to Ontario until 1885 brought back with wife and family. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 540 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 11 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Bulloch, Thomas A. Biography: Born March 8, 1872 Lanark County ON. Married Ellen Guthrie Claims: Came to Morris in 1879. Homesteaded on 27-7-27. Settled permanently in 1884. Reston (Lanark) School built on his land and became the centre of community life. Married Ellen Guthrie (Daughter of Pioneer W.R. Guthrie) 1919 Guthrie and Bulloch – Insurance and Real Estate Business. Probable Significance: Major Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 296 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 18 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Bulloch, Ellen (Guthrie) Biography: Born : Died May 11, 1967 Claims: Wrote “Pioneers of the Pipestone” a project of the local Women’s Institute to raise funds for the upkeep and beautification of Reston Cemetery. Probable Significance: Major Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 296 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 11 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Bulloch, William Biography: Born May 20, 1848 : Died July 26, 1951 Claims: Brandon 1881. Reston area 1882. First “Reston” Post office on his land 1890. Also the first Library. Probable Significance: Major Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 297 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Callan, Lloyd Biography: Born England Claims: 1882, 24-9-27 Daybreak District Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 119 Images: NA Content: Some additional information Campbell, George Biography: Born 1872, ON. Claims: Homesteaded in Hillview District 1901. School was located on their property. Owned two sections near Ewart as well. Large operation. Used up to 50 Clydesdale horses. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 241 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Cameron, Donald D. Biography: Born: Nov. 18, 1878, Berwick-on-Tweed, England : Died April 1941 Claims: 1882 N. 9-9-27. One of the first settlers in the area. Site of Woodnorth village Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 727 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Campion, George Biography: Born Marmora ON Aug. 10, 1857 : Died April 16, 1929 Claims: Came west in 1880. Worked on land survey in Reston – Pipestone area. 1882 settled on N 30-8-25. Among first to file in the Belleview District. First Belleview Post Office in Campion home for 8 years. Sec. Treas. for school for 18 yrs. Elder in Presbyterian Church. Farmed for 47 years. Probable Significance: High Source: Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 356 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 16 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Cook, George and Mrs. Biography: Born Claims: Came from Ontario. SW 33-9-26. House was a half-way house between Virden and Pipestone. Important stop on the long trail when delivering grain to Virden in the days before the railway came. Food and lodging for men and horses. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 229 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Cooper, William Biography: Born Claims: 1882 – Hillview District 19-8-27. Skilled stone mason – built a stone barn. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 244 Images: Photo of barn he built. 244 Content: Little additional information Croft, Thomas I Biography: Born Claims: 1882 NE 36-8-27. School held in their home. First trustee. First meeting of the council held at his home, Jan 8, 1884 and thereafter until 1900. Helped form the Agricultural Society in Virden. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 317 Images: As Above Content: Good additional information Dodds, Andrew Biography: Born Scotland. Married Janet Landels Claims: 1886, 28-6-26. Large family. Blacksmith. Helped organize the School District of Hartley – later renamed Belses after Mr. Dodd’s home village in Scotland. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 78 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 22 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Dodds, Samuel Biography: Born Claims: Homesteaded near Lenore. Farmer, builder and businessman. 1909 purchased the livery barn in Ebor. Added a custom grain crushing business and a harness shop. Bought Clover Bar Farm in 1911 and lived there for 27 years. School Trustee. Reporter for the Virden Advance. Musical family. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 157 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Ellsworth, Scott Biography: Claims: Came from Welland ON in 1885. Humberstone School located on his section in 1898. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 261 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Fairlie, Alex Biography: Born Scotland. Son of George Fairlie. Claims: Cabinet maker in Winnipeg for some time. 1882 – settled 18-7-26. Family came in 1883. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 363 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 12 Images: N/A Content: Little additional information Fairlie, Mrs. George (Granny) Biography: Born Claims: Nurse / Community Service. Mrs. Bulloch writes of Mrs. Fairlie and Mrs. Ann Matthews: “with skill born of their many experiences, and their unfailing attitude of helpfulness they came into homes and provided a real blessing; many times they were sent for in cases of illness and they never failed to respond to the call.” P 31 Bulloch Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 363 - 64 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 30 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Forke, Senator Robert Biography: Born 1860 : Died Feb. 2, 1934 Claims: Came in 1882 from Scotland. N 30-7-26 ; Reeve 1905 – 1914. President of the Union of Manitoba Municipalities 1911-12. 1921 MP for Brandon Consituency (Progressive) Minister of Immigration and Colonization for Liberal Gov’t 1926-29. Senator 1929 Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone x, 364 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 12 Images: As Above Content: Good additional information Forke, Thomas Biography: Born 1860 : Died Feb. 2, 1934 Claims: 1882 from Scotland. S30-7-26: Raised cattle and horses. Animal lover. Elder of Pipestone United Church. Played Violin. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 365 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 12 Images: NA Content: Good additional information Grimmett, Dan Biography: Claims: One of earliest settlers at Elm Valley – had Post Office – before 1895. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 191 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 20 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Guthrie, James Biography: Died 1946 Claims: Came west in 1882. Settled NE 30-7-27. Massey-Harris Implement Dealership in Reston prior to 1905. Insurance and Real Estate after that. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 564 Images: NA Content: Good additional information Guthrie, John Biography: Born 1857, Middleville Ontario. Married Janier Wilson. Died 1930 Claims: 1882 – Worked for CPR Main Line in summers.. 83 – Homesteaded 6-8-27. Brother to Peter. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 245 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Guthrie, Mrs. Peter (Nee Diana Campbell) Biography: Born 1868, Ontario. Married Peter Guthrie 1889. Claims: Arrived 1890. “exactly the type of woman to cope with the difficulties and problems of the time” p 47 Bulloch. Improvised a swinging partition in the house to make it easier to accommodate the dinner crowd during harvest. Killed a wolf with a shovel which had been harassing their dog. Adept at farm tasks such as hitching the oxen for a trip to “The Settlement” and fording the creek. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 47 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Guthrie, W.R. Biography: Born Middleville ON 1836 : Died March 10, 1909 Claims: Came west in 1882. Worked on CPR for the summers. Settled S 26-9-27. Chairman of first meeting of Lanark School, 1886. 1896 Reeve 1896-1898. His land included a point of land in the curve of Pipestone Creek known as a buffalo killing ground. It became “Guthrie’s Grove” the site of numerous picnics and social gatherings. Brother to Jim Guthrie. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 295, 298, 368 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 35, / Reston Recorder July 23, 2005. Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Hall, Walter Biography: Born Claims: Editor of Virden Advance. Married Jane Bulloch. Routinely walked 27 miles to court her. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 22 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Heywood, Fergus Biography: Born: Hartshead, Stalybridge, Lancaster, England Claims: In England, worked as a rover – in the manufacture of rope and hawsers for the big sailing and steam ships. Homesteaded 1897, Ebor district. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 163 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Hunter, Will Biography: Born: Goderich ON, 1864 Claims: First to homestead in the Linklater District – 14-7-28. Church services were held in their home for three years. First elevator on their land. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 311 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Johannesson, Einer Biography: Born Iceland Claims: Settled first in Gimli, then Argyle, before coming to Sinclair area in about 1892. A leader in the Pipestone Icelandic Settlement and a secretary treasurer of the Diana School. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 138 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Lothian, James Biography: Born Barney Hill, East Barns, near Dunbar, Scotland, Oct 27. 1853 Claims: Son of a Scottish tenant farmer. Arrived May 30, 1881, the second group of settlers – among the first four to settle in the Pipestone Valley. First Postmaster in the Valley. (First letter with the Pipestone stamp sent Jan. 7, 1884. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 376 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 8 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Lothian, William Biography: Born Scotland Claims: Arrived May 30, 1881, the second group of settlers. Planted the first grain on June 1st., 1881, while working for Dan McKinnon. First President of the Pipestone Mutual Improvement Association. Reeve 1899 – 1901. His letters home are in the Mb. Archives. Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone P376 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 8 Images: P x Content: Good additional information MacGregor, Marshman Biography: Claims: 1884. Musical family. Miss Elma MacGregor married Robert Forke. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 14 Images: P 365 Content: Good additional information Matthews, Albert Biography: Son of Anne Matthews Claims: First carpenter – specialized in tin ceilings. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 249 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Matthews, Mrs. Anne Biography: Born 1837 : Died 1918 Claims: Midwife. Unofficial nurse and coroner – she would line the coffins in her home where her son Albert constructed them. Came to region in 1884 (15-8-27) as a widow with seven boys and three girls. Church services held in her home. Mrs. Bulloch writes of Mrs. Failie and Mrs. Ann Matthews: “with skill born of their many experiences, and their unfailing attitude of helpfulness they came into homes and provided a real blessing; many times they were sent for in cases of illness and they never failed to respond to the call.” P 31 Bulloch Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 249 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 30 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information McDonald, William Biography: Born Nov. 30, 1831 Inverness, Scotland Claims: 1882 –SE 36-9-27. “Laggan Farm”. 1892 – wheat from Laggan Farm took top honours at an International Miller’s Convention in Glasgow, Scotland. Reeve for a time. Donated land for Daybreak Church SW 31-9-26 Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 739 Images: Page x Content: Good additional information McLaren, Forbes Biography: Died July 19, 1942 Claims: Worked on the C.P.R along Lake Superior. Continued with the CPR later while farming. Scarth area 1882. Then E 6-6-26 south of Pipestone. Wide variety of experiences recalled. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 381 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information McLaren, Henry Biography: Claims: Pioneer in the Mayville District. School Trustee. Two of his daughters attended, then taught at Mayville School. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone Images: N/A Content: Some additional information McLaren, James F. Biography: Claims: Early settler in the Crescent District. Postmaster from before 1900 to about.1924. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 101, 103 Images: N/A Content: No additional information McGill, James Biography: Born Ireland 1832. Died 1911. Claims: Came to Canada in 1834. Ebor District, 1888, 12-9-29. Carpenter and builder – houses and several bridges in the region. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 173 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information McMunn, James Biography: Born Ontario; Died 1922 Claims: Came in 1889 to 4-8-28. Stone house built in 1904. Ewart School Trustee. First Ewart district Anglican Church service was held in his home. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 214 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information McKinnon, Dan Biography: Claims: Arrived in Sat. May 28, 1881 with A. Mclean, likely the first settlers. McKinnon’s Crossing near homestead. First sod turned on his farm on June 1st., 1881, by William Lothian McKinnons had the first threshing machine. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone / Pioneers of the Pipestone 8 Images: Trails Along the Pipestone Page x Content: Good additional information McKinnon, Mr. & Mrs. John Biography: Claims: Build a large barn soon after they arrived. Large loft used for dances. Source of stories and anecdotes that illustrate the times. Reeve 1884 - 1889 Probable Significance: High Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 36 Images: Trails Along the Pipestone Page x Content: Some additional information McKinnon, Mary Biography: Born – Daughter of Dan Claims: “quite famous as a horsewoman. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 37 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information McLean, A. Biography: Claims: Arrived in 881 with Dan McKinnon, likely the first settlers. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 8 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Milliken, Mrs. Peter (Margaret) Biography: Born Margaret Handyside Claims: First white woman in the district. Spring 1882. Son George the first child to arrive. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 586 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 10 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Milliken, Peter Andrew Scott Biography: Born 1849, Coddingham, Scotland (Near the Village of Reston): Died Claims: Filed on W. 28-7-28 - Spring 1882. Worked as a carpenter on the Brandon CPR station – winter 1883. Suggested name “Reston” for the new school built on Thomas Bulloch’s property. It was the name of a little town in Berwickshire, Scotland, near the Milliken home. The school name was changed to Lanark – but Post Office, and later the nearby town, took the name. Mr. Milliken was a popular singer. Offered “Singing School”. Led singing at church, and community events. Milliken’s Crossing was on the trail northwards. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 586 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 10 , 43 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Milliken, James Biography: Born Claims: Nov. 83 Settled on 32-7-27. Farm called, “The Loch” occupied by family for many years. Their second daughter, Annabella, was the first white child born in the settlement. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 239 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 18 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Milton, John Biography: Born Glasgow, Scotland Dec. 25, 1865 Claims: 1892 NE 10-6-29. First settler in Sinclair. PostMaster 1898. Also added a stock of groceries. School classes held in their home until a building was erected. Encouraged others to come to the new town. Helped establish the Presbyterian Church – erected a rink. VP of the Curling Club. Twins Margaret and Christena Milton were the first children born in the town of Sinclair. Post office remained in their family for 78 years, until 1967. Milton Memorial built using lumber from the original Milton home. Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 649, 651, 696 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Mitchell, John Biography: Born Claims: 1882 Came with Forke family – married daughter Isabel on Dec. 30, 1885 – first wedding in district. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 12 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Mooney, John Biography: Died 1897 – wife and family left the didtrict. Claims: Came west in 1869, to Portage. Mr. Mooney was a member of Major Boulton’s seventy volunteers who marched to Winnipeg to free prisoners taken by Riel. He maws taken prisoner himself and kept until August 24, 1870. In 18971-72 freighted for the HBC. In 1882 homesteaded 22-7-27. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 299 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 11 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Morrison, Don (John Donald) Biography: Claims: Early settler. Worked on the McKinnon farm before settling near Pipestone. Another good example of pioneer experience. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 383 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 11 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Muldew, David Biography: Born Claims: Farmer. Taught at Hillview School for a term. School Board. Assessor for the Municipality. Walked everywhere and well-known. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 229 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Naughton, Alex Biography: Born Isle of Lewis, Stornosway, Scotland 1865 ; Married Jane Watt. Died 1943 Claims: In 1884 came to 20-8-27. Hillview District. Raised nine children. Farm remained in the family for several generations. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 20 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Nolan, William Biography: Born Clayton ON. Claims: Ewart District 1890 NE 16-8-28. Daughter Edith – the first white child born in Ewart district. 10 children born in the R.M.. School Board. Pool Elevator. Sports. Mrs. Annie (Roberstson) Nolan – helped out in times of sickness. President of WI and Anglican WA. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 217 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Norsworthy, John Biography: Born 1841, England Claims: Worked on C.P.R. as far as Oak Lake in 1882, Filed on 36.9.29. 1882. Brought family in 1883. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 621 Images: P 622 Home Content: Some additional information Powers, A.P. Biography: Born Bangor, Wales ; Died Match 26, 1919 Claims: 1882. 20-9-26. Sec. Treas. R.M. of Pipestone when it was organized in 1884. Position later included management of the Municipal Telephone System. Moved to Reston. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 596 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Rattray, Alexander Biography: Born March 1, 1835 ; Married Jane Tennant. Died June 6, 1918. Claims: Came to Pipestone area in 1882. Has a blacksmith operation on his farm, then in town. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 385, 348 Images: NA Content: Some additional information Rattray, James Biography: Claims: NE 4-7-26. Reeve 1902 – 04. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone / Pioneers of the Pipestone 12 Images: As Above Content: Good additional information Rattray, John Grant Biography: Claims: First teacher at Pipestone. Hardware business. Land Inspector for the Canada Life Assurance Co. Joined Manitoba Dragoons in 1910. Raised the 20th Border Horse. Commanded the 10th Battalion. Became a Colonel. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 385 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 12 Images: Trails Along the Pipestone, Page x Content: Some additional information Rayner, Walter Biography: Born England Claims: Elm Valley 1892. Mrs. Rayner (Annie Ford) was a teacher in England. The local history reports that; “She hated this country until the day she died in 1955. However she made a home and learned to bake bread, churn butter, etc.”” Boarded teachers. Daughter Dorothy was the first white child born in Elm Valley. Walter donated land for Elm Valley School. Became Postmaster for Elm Valley 1905 – 1910. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 196 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Ready, John Biography: Born Aug. 27, 1856, Lanark. Co. ON : Died ca. 1930 Claims: 1881 – 34-7-27. Worked in Brandon that winter on the Assiniboine River bridge. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 597 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Roe, George Biography: Born Claims: From Ireland to Mb in 1882. To E 18-8-26 in 1883. Established the Roesland Farming Co. with 3 ½ sections – site called the “Bluff Farm.” Probable Significance: Medium Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 20 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Sanderson, Mr. Biography: Claims: Early settler. Donated land for the Sanderson School. NW 20-9-28 Probable Significance: Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 619 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Schmelz, John George Biography: Born 1875 Claims: Came west at age 17, worked on farms in Saskatchewan and North Dakota. Copper mine in Montana. Came to Virden in 1898. Elm Valley 1899. Interesting and representative pioneer experiences. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 196 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Sinclair, Peter Biography: Born Lanark ON Claims: 1892 Crescent District. First settlers in region. 1893 Post Office named in their honour. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 642 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Skelton, Joseph Biography: Claims: Settled near Rattrays then Moved west of Reston to 22-7-28 in 1909 Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 12 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Smith, Wilson Biography: Claims: Came from Ontario – The CPR offered free rides for potential workers. Like some others Wilson took the ride and left the train at Virden. Homesteaded. Typical representative story of building a life in a new land. Farmed and his own land and worked for others when the opportunity arose. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 748 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Sproule, Robert Biography: Born Ireland Claims: Ebor’s first homesteader. First school – called Sproule School was on his land. Returned to Ontario in the early 1900’s. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 183 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Wilkins, William Biography: Born Nethercote Farm, Bourton-on-the-Water, English Cotswolds. 1868 Claims: Was an Assistant Principal of a Boys School in Bourton Eng. Came with two brothers to 18-7-27 in 1890. One of the founders of the Reston Baptist Church. Deacon. Soloist and member of the choir. Assistant Sec. Tres. Then Sec. Tres. Pipestone R.M. 1922 – 45. Reston School Board 1903 - 1933 Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 608 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Willougby, William Biography: Claims: 14-7-26. Later moved to Pipestone Helped in the survey of township and section lines. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 16 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Wilson, Alex Biography: Meaford ON 1862: Died 1937 Claims: Homestead 1883 – SE 18-8-27. Near Hillview Church. One of the first councilors. By early 1900’s was one of the largest farms in region. Boarded teachers. President of Curling Club. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 254 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Wright, John A. Biography: Claims: Among first settlers in Scarth region. 1882 SW 33-8-26 Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 625 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Zarn, Henry William Biography: Born Walkerton ON, April 7, 1880 Claims: Homestead. 6-8-28. 1902-1945. Henry and Ethel Goring were the first couple married in the new Anglican Church at Alexander, March 11, 1902. Had 12 children. School trustee. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 225 Images: AS above Content: Good additional information 3. EARLY BUSINESS PEOPLE Archer, Alfred Biography: Born Little Britain ON. Claims: Came west on a harvest train. Worked at Fry’s in Hartney as a tailor. Came to Reston in 1904. In 1910 he went to Chicago for professional training. Dry cleaner as well. Gardening enthusiast. Created the Reston Memorial Park. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 498, 528 Images: As Above Content: Good additional information Berry, Edward Hanlan Biography: Born Oct. 11, 1880 at North Augusta, ON. Died 1974. Claims: Came on a Harvest Train 1898. Returned to Ontario to become a watchmaker. Returned to open jewelry store in about 1905. Built the Berry Block in 1906 as a jewelry store and residence. In 1924 bought the Reston Hardware and Lumber Co. and operated it until his death in 1974. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 531 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Berry, Harcourt Biography: Born Aug. 23, 1890 Brockville ON. : Died 1967 Claims: Barber in Woodnorth 1910. Reston 1915 - 1967. Also Beauty Parlour. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 444, 531 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Bonniman, Alex Biography: Born Scotland 1851: Died 1935 Claims: Settled in 1883 NE 14-8-27. Manda Post Office moved from John Cain’s to Bonniman’s. Lambton School trustee. Sold land for Lambton School site. Moved to Virden 1910 Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 442 - 3 , 534 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 19 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Bonniman, Chester Biography: Born 1881 Ontario, Died 1957 Claims: Move to Reston from Lambton District 1925. Draying. Livery Barn. Sold Coal and Wood. Ran an auto livery – and transported people for a fee. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 534 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Brady, William Albert Biography: Died 1930 Claims: Est. Implement Dealership in 1898. 1915 – Included Hardware, then gas. In family until 1956. First Noble Grand of Oddfellows Lodge Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 495, 538 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Bulloch, John Biography: Born Jan 12, 1856 in Lanark County ON. Claims: Built first hotel in Sinclair. 1904. Brought the lumber with him when he arrived. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 669 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Bulloch, William Biography: Claims: 1882 farmed near Brandon – his land later became part of the experimental farm. Farmed at Rapid City. 1889 – had Post Office near Reston until 1893 when it was moved to town. P.M.I.A. Library (Pipestone Mutual Improvement Association) at his home. Moneylender. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 4, 297 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 25 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Busby, William H. Biography: Born Farmanagh County, Ireland : Died 1918 ; Married Helen Baxter Claims: 1887 – 28-7-27. Then moved to Reston and opened the first lumberyard. (First freight to arrive was lumber for Mr. Busby. (Pioneer Lumber) Erected first building in town. Planned as a lumberyard – Reston Post office moved to site. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 542 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 23 Images: p 415 Content: Good additional information Campbell, Colin C. Biography: Born 1872 Iona Station ON : Died 1959 Claims: Horse dealer. Livery barn. Sold cars and fuel. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 442 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Campbell, James Biography: Claims: First merchant in Reston – store and dwelling Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 416, 489 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Clegg, John Biography: Claims: Money lender. Noted singer in the Pipestone Mutual Improvement Society Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 4, 470 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Craig, C.J. Biography: Born Claims: Arrived in Reston 1907. Established a series of businesses in Ewart and Ebor. Implement dealer (John Deere) in Ebor and Ewart 1912. Grocery Store in Ebor 1917. Pool Room. 1910 Real Estate Loans and Insurance. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 552 / Ebor History 42, 43 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Crawford, John Biography: Born Georgetown ON, 1844 : Died 1929 Claims: Came to Pipestone in 1893. Postmaster. Lumber, Coal and Wood Business. Leading part in Memorial Hall. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 358 / Pioneers of the Pipestone Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Hart, B.M. Biography: Claims: Worked on RR line through Woodnorth. Established the first Woodnorth Store 1906 in a boxcar. 1910 acquired a store building and Post Office. Built the first hall. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone Images: N/A Content: No additional information Heywood, Issac Biography: Born 1875, Chester, England. Died 1952. Claims: Came from England in 1889 with parents. Homesteaded in Ebor district 1897. Built store in Ebor 1906. Operated it until 1920. Coal business. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 166 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Kellington, Mark Biography: Born at Walkerton ON in 1867: Died 1912 Claims: Homesteaded at Elm Valley in 1899. Built the Cromer Boarding House and Dance Hall around 1908. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Milton, John Biography: Born Glasgow, Scotland Dec. 25, 1865 Claims: 1892 NE 10-6-29. First settler in Sinclair. PostMaster 1898. Also added a stock of groceries. School classes held in their home until a building was erected. Encouraged others to come to the new town. Helped establish the Presbyterian Church – erected a rink. VP of the Curling Club. Twins Margaret and Christena Milton were the first children born in the town of Sinclair. Post office remained in their family for 78 years, until 1967. Milton Memorial built using lumber from the original Milton home. Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 649, 651, 696 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Munroe, G.S. Biography: Born : Died 1934 Claims: Moved to Reston in 1893 to manage the store built by Mr. Wilcox. Later bought out Mr. Wilcox. Built a large stone building in 1902. Also operated a bake shop. Also had a farm near Sinclair. Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 490, 591 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Richardson, Mr. Biography: Claims: Erected a tent to serve as a general store as the railroad approached Pipestone. Replaced it with a wooden structure then moved it to Main Street. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 343 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Rintoul, Tom Biography: Claims: Built the first Implement Shop in Sinclair. Active in the Curling Club, Built Ewart School. Livery business run by the Rintoul Brothers. (Tom and William) Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 646, 649 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Roberstson, Alex Biography: Born Aug. 3, 1876, Clayton ON Claims: Came 1895 on a harvest excursion. Ca. 1899 – built and operated a boarding house in Reston – where the Credit Union Bldg was later built. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 453, 599 Images: As Above Content: No additional information Skelding, Mr. Biography: Claims: Began a tinsmith / hardware business in a tent (located where Cemetery is now) before the RR reached Pipestone Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 322, 343 Images: N/A Content: Little additional information Smith A.E. Biography: Born Lanark Co. ON. 1875 : Died Nov. 29. 1950. Claims: Came to Elm Valley with his parents in 1888. Filed for a homestead at age 16 – in 1891. Learned butchering – worked out of his home and helped with local beef rings. Butcher shop in Reston in 1889 - 1950 . One of the town’s first Insurance Agents (1900 – 1948). Pipestone Municipal Council. Involved in Cemetery improvement. Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 494, 601 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Smith, James Biography: Claims: Built and operated the first lumber shed in Sinclair. Farmer. Early settler of the region. Son Tom took over Lumber Business. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 647 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Wright, Jack Biography: Claims: Responsible for at least two new businesses in the new village of Butler. Built the general store in 1908, then traded it for a quarter section of land. Built the blacksmith shop about 1910 and operated it for a time after 1916. That building was destroyed by a cyclone in 1963. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 50, 49 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information 4. SERVICES & PROFESSIONALS Dobbie, D.G. Biography: Claims: Undertaker (1907 – 1932) and Carriage Shop proprietor. Used the shop bench for his undertaking duties. In 1922 he converted a Studebaker chassis into a motorized hearse. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 446 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Dodds, Jackson Biography: Born Claims: Banker – Bank of British North America. Left to fight in WW1, returned to become manager of the Bank of Montreal. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 441 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Manning, Frank Biography: Born: Ontario : Died 1945 Claims: First editor of the Reston Recorder – 1905 – 1945. Leader in the formation of a local Masonic Lodge. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 416, 582 / Pioneers of the Pipestone Images: Reston Recorder Aug. 6, 2005 Content: Some additional information Lusk, George R Biography: Born in Ontario Claims: Postmaster for Bardal Post Office est. April 12, 1894. SE 22-8-29. Resigned 1903. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 28 , 36 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Mellish, D.L. Biography: Claims: Early Moneylender – Pipestone. Hospital Board 1921 Probable Significance: Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 4, 10 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Stevenson, Dr. C. Biography: Born Claims: Veterinarian 1900 - 1920 Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 482 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Stewart, Frank Biography: Claims: First Blacksmith in Sinclair. 1903 – 1911. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 647 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Walker, Edward (Ted) Biography: Born Sept. 9, 1881, at Greenfoot, Old Hutton, Wesmorland, England Claims: Opened a blacksmith and machinery business in Cromer. Served as J.P. He held the oldest Massey Harris agency in Canada at his retirement in 1963. Very active in community, Anglican Church. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 132 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information 5. BUILDERS Busby, Arthur and Walter Biography: Claims: Builders Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 484 / Reston Recorder Jan. 19, 2002 Images: NA Content: No additional information Corbin, George Biography: Born Claims: Bricklayer Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 484 / Reston Recorder Jan. 19, 2002 Images: NA Content: No additional information Evans, Henry, Charles. Biography: Born Forrest ON. Ca. 1870. Died 1945. Claims: Came to Virden in 1881. Third family to take up residence in Reston. Builder – many of the early buildings. (In company with Richard Smith) His son was the first born in the village. (also the first to die in WW1). Police magistrate and Secretary of the Agricultural Society. School Trustee. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 484, 288, 455 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 23 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Monders, Mr. Biography: Claims: 1900 – built the house at 235 1st St. – lived in it while working on other houses in town. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 484 / Reston Recorder Nov. 13, 2002 Images: N/A Content: No additional information McAdam, J. Biography: Claims: Bricklayer Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 484 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Paul, Fred Biography: Born Jan. 6, 1879 Lanark County ON. Claims: 1904. Plasterer. Bricklayer, Cement work. Built some of the first cement sidewalks in Reston. Cistern and chimneys. Built house across from United Church in 1905. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 593 Images: P 595 Fred Paul Stone House Content: Good additional information Paul, Moses Biography: Born 1862 : Died 1951. Claims: Came to work on harvest 1904. Returned to stay in 1905. Builder. Left for Peace River in 1915. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Reston Recorder June 8., 2002 Images: As above - House Content: Good additional information Pierce, William Albert Biography: Born Claims: Mason – Munroe Store Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 490 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Staliwood, James Biography: Claims: Builder Probable Significance: Modest Source: Reston Recorder Jan. 19, 2002 Images: NA Content: No additional information 6. EARLY POLITICIANS McLean, Dan Biography: Claims: Reeve 1885 – 1886. Elected M.L.A for the Liberal Party in Nov. 1886. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone x / Pioneers of the Pipestone 40 Images: As Above P x Content: Good additional information Mooney, Robert Henry Biography: Born August 10, 1873, Wingham ON. Died 1953 Claims: Came to Katrime Manitoba as a baby. Moved with family to Woodnorth area in 1883. Taught school at Boss Hill briefly. Active in farm organizations. Pipestone Council 1911-22. MLA for District. Active in the United Church. Responsible for building the Manse at Woodnorth. Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 743 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information 7. MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION Croft, Thomas I Biography: Born Claims: 1882 NE 36-8-27. School held in their home. First trustee. First meeting of the council held at his home, Jan 8, 1884 and thereafter until 1900. Helped form the Agricultural Society in Virden. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 317 Images: As Above Content: Good additional information McKinnon, John Biography: Claims: Reeve – 1884 - 1889 Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone x / Pioneers of the Pipestone 36 Images: As Above Content: Some additional information McDonald, William Biography: Born Nov. 30, 1831 Inverness, Scotland Claims: 1882 –SE 36-9-27. “Laggan Farm”. 1892 – wheat from Laggan Farm took top honours at an International Miller’s Convention in Glasgow, Scotland. Reeve for a time. Donated land for Daybreak Church SW 31-9-26 Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone x, 739 Images: Page x Content: Good additional information Powers, A.P. Biography: Born Bangor, Wales ; Died Match 26, 1919 Claims: 1882. 20-9-26. Sec. Treas. R.M. of Pipestone when it was organized in 1884. Position later included management of the Municipal Telephone System. Moved to Reston. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 596 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Smith A.E. Biography: Born Lanark Co. ON. 1875 : Died Nov. 29. 1950. Claims: Came to Elm Valley with his parents in 1888. Filed for a homestead at age 16 – in 1891. Learned butchering – worked out of his home and helped with local beef rings. Butcher shop in Reston in 1889 - 1950 . One of the town’s first Insurance Agents (1900 – 1948). Pipestone Municipal Council. Involved in Cemetery improvement Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 494, 601 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information 8. CLERGY Haig, Rev. Biography: Claims: First Presbyterian minister to be stationed in the district. Preached at McKinnon’s and Thomas Bulloch’s. Probable Significance: High Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 31 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information McLean, Rev. Biography: Claims: Second Presbyterian Minister – also preached at McKinnon’s and Thomas Bulloch’s. until the schoolhouse built in 1887 Probable Significance: High Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 32 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information McLeod, Rev. Biography: Claims: Third Presbyterian Minister – also preached at McKinnon’s and Thomas Bulloch’s. until the schoolhouse built in 1887 Probable Significance: High Source: Pioneers of the Pipestone 32 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Gunn Rev.G. Biography: Born Claims: From Selkirk – a descendent of a prominent family in the first days of the Selkirk Settlement. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 462 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 32 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Halsell Rev. Biography: Born Claims: Methodist Minister – services in the school. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 462 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 32 Images: As N/A Content: Good additional information McKinney Rev. Joseph Biography: Born Northern Ireland Claims: Anglican Minister – first resident – ca. 1904. Services as Humberstone School as well. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 465 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information McQuarrie Rev. Biography: Born Claims: Well regarded – well educated – also had medical training. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 462 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 32 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Robertson, Rev. Dr. James Biography: Born Claims: First Organizational Meeting, Presbyterian Aug. 31, 1884 – McKinnon barn loft. 50 people present. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 462 / Pioneers of the Pipestone Images: As Above Content: Good additional information 9. EDUCATORS & SCHOOL EMPLOYEES Acheson, John Biography: Born USA Claims: First teacher at Lanark School 1887. Later taught at Mayville. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone / Pioneers of the Pipestone 42 Images: As Above Content: Good additional information Rattray, John Grant Biography: Claims: First teacher at Pipestone. (Classes held in Rattray Hall) Hardware business. Land Inspector for the Canada Life Assurance Co. Joined Manitoba Dragoons in 1910. Raised the 20th Border Horse. Commanded the 10th Battalion. Became a Colonel. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 385 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 12 Images: Trails Along the Pipestone, Page x Content: Some additional information Jonasina Stefansson Biography: Born at Gimli Claims: At 16 or 17 was the first teacher at Diana School. She left to complete her education and returned to teach for several years. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 135 Images: N/A Content: No additional informtion 10. MEDICAL SERVICES Ayers, Robert Biography: Born in Irelan. Married Mary Ann Smith Claims: First Dentist in the Reston district. Arrived in 1899. Children attended first Hillview School held in Harry Webster’s granary with Emma Best as Teacher. Twin sons William and Merve active in the district. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 239 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Baird, Dr. Biography: Claims: Village of Pipestone’s first Doctor. Appointed municipal health officer in 1901. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 349 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Cairns, Dr. J.W. Biography: Graduated in Pharmacy 1903. Medicine 1914. Claims: Came to Village of Pipestone in 1915. Purchased the Drug Store and practice of Dr. O.S. Ross. Served his entire career. Probable Significance: Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 354 Images: As above. Content: Some additional information Chapman, Dr. Alva Burton Biography: Born near Gananoque. Quebec June 27, 1863 Claims: First Doctor – 1900. Had been a bridge builder and lumberjack. Built County Clerk Building 1910. 1915-19 Sanitation Officer, Canadian Medical Corps. Practiced until 1948. Established the town’s first drug store in 1900. Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 451, 498 548 Images: As Above Content: Good additional information Johannson, Karolina Biography: Born Iceland Claims: Midwife and other medical help. Family came from Argyle R.M. With her husband, Johann, was among the earliest pioneers in the Bardal District. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 32 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Large, Dr. Biography: Claims: First Doctor in Sinclair. Built the first part of the house that became the teacherage. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 647 Images: N/A Content: No additional information Mrs. A.E. (Eliza Challener) Smith Biography: From Toronto. Claims: Nurse – invited to community by Dr. Chapman. First lady to curl, 1904. Still active curler in the 1970’s. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 509, 602 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Young, Dr. Biography: Claims: Doctor in Sinclair 1910 – 1918. Had a small Drug Store. Known for his dedication and willingness to travel into the country when needed. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 647 Images: N/A Content: No additional information 11. RAILWAY EMPLOYEES Anderson, A.D. (Dave) Biography: Claims: Became Station Agent in 1917 – served for over 35 years. Noted for his gardening and pride in the RR premises. Also ran a fur farm. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 434, 436 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Olenick, Andy Biography: Claims: Came to Canada from Austria in 1911. Worked for the C.P.R in many locations – settling permanently in Reston in 1920. Long career – foreman on the Reston section of the Wolesley Branch. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 438 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Watt, William Biography: Born Aberdeenshire, Scotland – May 24, 1875 : Died Aug. 8, 1958 Claims: Contracted parts of the road bed between Reston and Ewart (Reston – Wolesley Branch). Became an expert at road building – worked for the R.M. of Pipestone and Mb Gov’t. Worked on #83 Highway. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 252 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information 12. RECREATIONAL Caldwell, Clyde Biography: Born 1893 in Hillview District Claims: Prairie Rose Baseball Team Comminity Service: Reston Community Hospital Board. Rink. Director of the Pool Elevator. 1942 Councillor for Ward 2. Active in the Curling Club. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 399, 509 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Ebor Athletic Club Biography: Formed 1908 Claims: 1908 Ebor Tigers football team won a regional championship Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 154 Images: As Above Content: Some additional information Ludy, Jack Biography: Claims: “Town carpenter”. Drawmaster for the curling club from its early days (ca. 1902) until the 40’s. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 509 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Mutter, Tom Biography: Claims: Skilled at Hockey and Curling. One of the first his own granite curling rock in the early days. Probable Significance: Medium Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 506 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information Mrs. A.E. (Eliza Challener) Smith Biography: From Toronto. Claims: Nurse – invited to community by Dr. Chapman. First lady to curl, 1904. Still active curler in the 1970’s. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 509, 602 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information 13. COMMUNITY SERVICE Archer, Alfred Biography: Born Little Britain ON. Claims: Came west on a harvest train. Worked at Fry’s in Hartney as a tailor. Came to Reston in 1904. In 1910 he went to Chicago for professional training. Dry cleaner as well. Gardening enthusiast. Created the Reston Memorial Park. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 416, 498, 528 Images: As Above Content: Good additional information Caldwell, Sarah Alma (McKinnon) Biography: Born Bryce County ON Claims: Taught school at Hillview before her marriage to Clyde Caldwell. Taught Sunday School. Active in the Women’s Misisonary Society. Brandon Presbyterial Board. Life Member of the W.M.S, the U.C.W. and the Reston Hospital Aide. Probable Significance: High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 399 Images: N/A Content: Some additional information Milton, John Biography: Born Glasgow, Scotland Dec. 25, 1865 Claims: 1892 NE 10-6-29. First settler in Sinclair. PostMaster 1898. Also added a stock of groceries. School classes held in their home until a building was erected. Encouraged others to come to the new town. Helped establish the Presbyterian Church – erected a rink. VP of the Curling Club. Twins Margaret and Christena Milton were the first children born in the town of Sinclair. Post office remained in their family for 78 years, until 1967. Milton Memorial built using lumber from the original Milton home. Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 649, 651, 696 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information 15. RENOWNED INDIVIDUALS Forke, Senator Robert Biography: Born 1860 : Died Feb. 2, 1934 Claims: Came in 1882 from Scotland. N 30-7-26 ; Reeve 1905 – 1914. President of the Union of Manitoba Municipalities 1911-12. 1921 MP for Brandon Consituency (Progressive) Minister of Immigration and Colonization for Liberal Gov’t 1926-29. Senator 1929 Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone x, 364 / Pioneers of the Pipestone 12 Images: As Above Content: Good additional information Johnson, Erwin Biography: Claims: Canads’s giant -. 8ft.2in. Appeared with circus and carnival shows. Born and educated in Bardal District. Settled in Florida where he had a small electrical repair business and was chief of the Volunteer Fire Department. Probable Significance: Modest Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 664, 26 Images: As Above 644 Content: Some additional information Mooney, Robert Henry Biography: Born August 10, 1873, Wingham ON. Died 1953 Claims: Came to Katrime Manitoba as a baby. Moved with family to Woodnorth area in 1883. Taught school at Boss Hill briefly. Active in farm organizations. Pipestone Council 1911-22. MLA for District. Active in the United Church. Responsible for building the Manse at Woodnorth. Probable Significance: Very High Source: Trails Along the Pipestone 743 Images: N/A Content: Good additional information POST WW1 ![]() ![]() |