We know that R.N. Graham was instrumental in the
creation of the Manchester community, and that a group of
forward-thinking pioneer businessmen with names like Dodds,
Richardson, and Duncan established the economic foundation of the
new village of Melita.
What we mustn’t forget that despite the noteworthy contribution made by
the people identified in this tribute, they weren’t alone.
Of the many families who made Melita what it is today, these names
stand out, partly because many of the names live on through descendants
in Melita today. Their exploits are well documented in “Our First
Carels Family – Charles Carels was born in 1910 in
the Turtle Mountains. He moved his family to Melita in 1936. His son
Kenneth took over the Red & White Store from Charles in 1973. Ken
served as Mayor from 1980 – 2002 and was a Director of the Union of
Manitoba Municipalities from 1982 to 1998. Terry Carels operated the
Cornish Luck Dollars Store.
The Carels family
Coates Family – The Coates brothers, William, James, Matthew Robert and
Andrew, came to Arthur Municipality beginning in 1888. The Coates
School District was established in 1901. p 476
Cocquyt Family – Paul Cocquyt was born in Belgium in 1871. He married
Julia Kersebelk and took up farming. They came to the Melita area 1907.
With four children and had four more after settling here. p 484

Julie & Paul Cocquyt
Fletcher Family – George Fletcher Sr. was born in
England in 1837. He married Isabella Hoogson. He brought his family
here in 1886. His children eventually homesteaded as well. p. 530
The Fletchers
Greig Family – John Grieg was born in Scotland in 1861. He and
his wife,. Jessie farmed at Smallburn, Aberdceenshire until coming to
the Melita area in 1910. p 557
Snyder Family – John Wesley Snyder was born in 1856. In the fall
of 1881 John was one of first four to file on homesteads west of the
Souris River. Purchased the first binder in the district. He was
Trustee and Secretary Treasurer for Sourisford School. His sons
all farmed in the district and many descendents were and are active in
the community. p 732
Tilbury Family – The descendants of the James Tilbury and Fanny Kercher
from Overton Hants in England who came to the Melita area 1908 have
continued to have an impact on the region. p 758
Vanbeaselaere Family – Victor and Leon Vanbeaselaere were born in
Belgium. Victor came to Deloraine in 1913. He moved his family to
the Melita area in 1915. Leon join him their. Many from their
families remain in the region. p 768