Special Places

Melita Site Inventory

Page 6 : Residences - Part 2

336.C.13 Dunbar House

Construction Date:  ca. 1908
Location:  65 Souris Street


Mrs. C. Dunbar 1908

Peter Dunbar came to take charge of the Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Elevator in 1901- he married Christina Hay in 1904 and lived on Souris St. until his death in 1923. Christina lived here until 1941

Doug Minnis 1954
A. Johnson 1955
R. Holmes
S. Brigden

second floor verandah
- brackest on main floor open verandah
- double gable roofline – addition?
-  side dormer

336.C.14 Swehla House

Construction Date:  1894
Location:  85 Souris Street

R. Lenmose 1894
John Cain 1906
R. Maybee 1908
Joe Swelha 1958

- pressed metal ceilings
 - interior wood trim – ext siding
 - bay window – brackets – transom – nice door

336.C.15 John Laraway House

Construction Date:  ca. 1908
Location:  49 Oak Street

J.H. Polluck 1908
J. Laraway 1939 Veteran -  Telephone Co. – stationed in Melita 1929 -  Fire Chief – Legion Coach
Frank Warsaba 1962


-  Cottage style (large)  – shingled gables
 - nice roofline, brickwork

336.C.16 H.L. Morrow House

Construction Date:  ca. 1900
Location:  32 Summit Street

T.A. Blackwell 1900
J.W. Hewitt 1908
H.L. Morrow 1943  Bought drug store from Mr. Hewitt in 1930. Town council. Morrow Pharmacy – taken over by son Gerry
Ernest Thompson 1966
Jean Thompson


-  large porch
 - nice location – across from park
 - interior woodwork and staircase

336.C.17 Art Ross Hoss

Construction Date:  ca. 1910
Location:  16 Summit Street

Art Ross
Mabelline & Royal Pue


-  hardwood floors
- woodwork

336.C.18 Holden House

Construction Date:  1908
Location:  21 Summit Street

C.P. Holden 1908 - Councilor & school board
 – Furniture Store
Sarah Holden 1938
Minnie Downey 1945
Lorna Hamilton 1956
Frank Griffith 1962
Vincent Anderson 1974
J. Beaumont 1975
Larry Townsend 1975
Dick Pander


- quoins and nice bricks
- large addition
 - nice bay window

336.C.19 Dobbyn House

Construction Date:  ca. 1917
Location:  53 Boundary Street

Origins: R.J. Dobbyn 1917

Herb (R.H) & Melba Dobbyn moved..into R.J. Dobbyn’s home in January 1945.)
H. Street 1973
I. Groves 1975
L. Scnell 1977


-  fine wood trim & gingerbread on gable and verandah
- brackets & shutters – rounded dormer window
 - fine brick finish

336.C.20 House

Construction Date:  ca. 1910
Location:  Campbell Street

J.W. Tripp 1907
Harry Sures & Co. 1952
Les Woodlands
Ted & Pat Yarema
Royden Porter 1978


- Mansard roof with elaborate brackets and wall dormers
 - vertical siding
 - bay with trim
- brick chimney

336.C.21 Sterling House

Construction Date:  ca. 1903
Location:  50 Centre Street

Earl Sterling 1903 (Ed Sterling) – Farm & Hardware business.
Cliff Sterling
Darwin Slack 1976
Receipts for Mr. Coates found in  walls.


- some interior layout
- old door – some woodwork
- steep gables
- small second floor window appears in old photo as do original entances etc.

336.C.22 Gall House

Construction Date:  ca. 1915
Location:  40 Bruce Street

Robert Love 1915
Edith McDonald 1921
R. Love 1925
Howard Foxworthy 1960
Jean Gall 1966

- gable trim
- bay
 - additions?

336.C.23 George Jennings House

Construction Date:  ca. 1907
Location:  Street

J.C. Ross 1907
A.E. Holden 1910
George Jennings 1913
Thomas Fletcher 1945
A.J. Kennedy 1950
J. Palmatier 1956
Sid & Dorothy Dobbyn

-  porch
- bay window

 336.C.24 Cobb House

Construction Date:  1894
Location:  19 Bruce Street

Mrs. A.D. Armsden 1907
J. Metcalf 1910
W.J. Cobb – Hotel Owner
W.G. Jobbins 1926
M. Foster 1947
Jack Foster 1950
Lois Foster


-  nice front dormer
- shed at back