Melita Site
Page 5 :
Residences - Part 1
336.C.1 Dr. Kaye House
Date: 1908
Location: 17 Gov't Road
Banker – Mr. Branston
Dr. H.A. Kaye and his family occupied it from 1952 to 1990. This
well-known physician tended to patients in their homes in and around
the rural community, while also providing medical services from the
private confines of his own household.
- Simple Blessings Bed & Breakfast & Country Inn
- typical example of domestic architecture from the early twentieth
- wraparound verandah, partially enclosed


336.C.2 Former Section House
Date: ca. 1926
Location: 49 Gov't rd
Origins: Railway Section House – moved to this site
W. Minnis 1926
Carter-Squire 1976
Wilma Mallo 1979
Features: - wood and shingle siding
- porch
- large house – side-facing gables

336.C.3 Salisbury House
Date: 1904
Location: 59 Gov't Rd. Allowance
Origins: Salisbury 1909
Alex Matice
Morris 1943
Heath 1948
Gertie Head 1953
Fred Hodgins 1973
Delmar & Joyce Neff 1977
Keith McMaster
Features: - brackets, ginerbread and trim
-stained glass
- interior staircase etc.

336.C.4 Musson House
Date: 1902
Location: 69 Gov't Road
Origins: Mr. Oates
In ca. 1910 it was Drs. Creighton’s Cottage Hospital (Creighton
Henry Percival Musson and Anna Louise 1922
– butcher - shop on Main St.
Robert Moore 1947
Tom Hallam 1970
Joyce Swanson
- original siding in verandah area
- wood verandah ceiling
- ext. basement entrance
- trap door to basement in kitchen
- basement beams and stairs
- owner has info & old photos

336.C.5 Farrow House
Construction Date: ca. 1915
Location: 8 Summit Streer
A.T. Farrow 1919
Mrs. Farrow 1923
Merv Robinson 1969
Doug Reynolds 1975
Craig Miner
Henry Mullins
J&H MacDonald
verandah with spindle & bracket trim
- wood siding and window trim
- 2 window bays & roof brackets

336.C.6 R.N
Wyatt House
Construction Date: ca. 1914
Location: 3 Souris Street
R.N. Wyatt 1904 – Carpenter, contractor – bridges, schools, banks. Came
in 1902 on Harvest Train.
Ford Dealer, Chev Dealer
R.E. Denny 1908
C.W. Archibald 1908
D.W. Yuill 1915 Principal, Lawyer
Gordon Streling 1973
Jim Mallo
Scott Jones 2009
- original siding, shingled gables
- enclosed verandah
- second floor bay window
- addition at back?

336.C.7 George Pope House
Date: ca. 1905
Location: 15 Souris Street
Geo. Pope 1905 – contractor – helped build the school
E.H. Floyd 1928
Jack Cobb 1943
Ken Cobb 1963
- coal chute?
- wood shingles
- dormers
- nice windows
- some interior features

336.C.8 Modeland House
Date: 1923
Location: 25 Souris Street
Mrs. Modeland 1923
W.G. Powne 1925
C.G. Forster 1946
gambrel roof, shingled gables
- glazed verandah
- interior woodwork & floors
336.C.9 G.E. Briggs House
Construction Date: 1923
Location: 39 Souris Street
G.E. Briggs 1915 (Metropolitan Hotel Owner 1918 – 21(d) Mrs. Briggs
operated it until 1930)
Geo. Simpson 1947
Margaret McKinnon 1947
Jean Thompson 1970
Ryan Cook
L. Swanson 09
Features: - gables – addition?
336.C.10 Schnell House
Construction Date: ca. 1929
Location: 34 Souris Street
F.H. Schnell 1922
M. Wren 1942
A. Wren
Greg Cameron
Janice Merry (09)
- nice dormers
- good example of cottage style
336.C.11 Leverington House
Construction Date: ca. 1908
Location: 52 Souris Street
Mrs. Patterson 1908
J. Oberlin 1911
W.J. Bonner 1913
A. Gordon 1915
A.D. Thompson 1917
N. Elliott 1941
W. Leverington 1979
- concrete block in good condition
- enclosed verandah
336.C.12 A.G. Cameron House
Construction Date: ca. 1910
Location: 78 Elm Street
1912 A.G. Cameron
1921 McKinley
1946 Mark Wren
Don Cameron
- wood & shingle siding
- enclosed verandah
- some original hardwood in interior