Notable People

Potentially Significant People  / COMMUNITY SERVICES


Hunt, Mrs. Leigh W.

Claims: First Chief Operator for the Melita – Arthur Telephone Co. 1905
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 223
Images: N/A
Content: No additional information

McKay, Robert McBeth

Biography:  Born 1871, Kildonan; Died 1910
Claims: Mr. McKay managed the Hamlin Bros Store in the Sturgeon or Corner Block
Twice on Town Council. Band Leader. Led Choir of Presbyterian Church
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Our First Century / 651
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information

Trerice, Alex

Claims: Built the first frame house in the district. 12-4-27, 1882,  President of Melita Mill. First Noble Grand Master of the Oddfellows Lodge 1891.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 181
Images: N/A
Content: No additional information