Anderson, George M.
Claims: Curling: Winner of 1898 Regional Curling Championships
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 274
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Anderson, Wm. W.
Claims: Curling: Winner of 1898 Regional Curling Championships
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 274
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Brundit, Mr.
Claims: In 1892 a meeting was held in “Brundit’s Hall to organize a
Cricket Club. Mr. Brundit announced in 1893 that he was to hold a
series of concerts.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 274 / 115
Images: N/A
Content: No additional information
Cobb, Wm. J.

Claims: Curling: Winner of 1898 Regional Curling Championships
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 274
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Greaves, George Frederick

Biography: Born 1843, England; Died 1900 (Runaway horse accident)
Claims: Grad of the London Academy of Music. Settled 1889. Taught
music. Traveled from farm to farm.
Probable Significance: Medium
Source: Our First Century / 553
Images: As Above
Content: Some additional information
Love, Robert

Claims: 1910 – 1924 - “Melita Shoe Hospital” in Lefty’s Grill Building
– Main Street.
Built the Opera House in 1913 – for moving pictures and live
Harness maker, shoe repair
Probable Significance: Modest
Source: Our First Century / 301
Images: N/A
Content: Some additional information