Did You Know?
1. Some Melita "Firsts"
2. Fun Facts
1. Some Melita
First Settlers in
R.M., of Arthur: Charles West was living in a dugout shanty by
the river when Walter F. Thomas, with James Kinley and Alfred Dugay,
arrived in Dec. 1879 . Only Thomas remained for any time.
First Municipal Council
Reeve: James Downie Councilors: Amos Snyder, Dr.
Dann, J.B. Elliott, Andrew Lyle
First Post Office: Mancherster (Melita) R.M. Graham's House :
Menota 4-4-26
First Postmaster at Elva: Hugh James Archibald
First to Own a Binder: John Wesley Snyder
First Wedding in the District Rev.A.D. Wheller and Miss W. Langdon
First Wedding in the Presbyterian Church: James Polwarth & Jeannie
Grierson 1892 - service by Rev. White
First Car In Town: 1908 - Mr. Richards, manager of the Northern Bank -
First Child Born in the Wilson Hospita: Frederick Wilson Fournie
First Church Services: First Sunday in August 1882 at the home of
Alf Gould - A.D. Wheller
First Anglican Church Service: Rev. Cartwright
First Resident Minister:
First Resident Dentist: Dr. D.D. Stratton, 1903 - 1917
First Business: R.M. Graham's Store in Manchester
First Hotel Owner: John Cobb came from Virden in 1890
First Teacher in Melita:
First Community Picnic at Sourisford:
First Blacksmith: James Duncan
First Frame House: Alex Trerice 12-4-27 1882
First Brick House - James Duncan
First Bridge - 1891
Lake of the Woods Elevator Agent: Mr. Hays, then Pete Dunbar
2. Fun Facts
John Cobb
Family lived in a double decker tent while Melita's first hotel was
being built in 1890
Robert Love operated the "Melita Shoe Hospital" from 1910 - 1924 the
building he used is still standing - and was later the site of "Lefty's
In the period between the "Pioneer Era" and the openning of the
hospital most babies were born in "Nursing Homes" or Birthing House",
private homes run by a Nurse or Midwife. Mrs. Mainland ran one at 36
Souris Street. Notable citizens such as Bill Warren were born there!
Frank Morrow, a mason, bricklayer and plasterer, who worke on Melita's
first sidewalks, also worked on the Banff Springs Hotel. His name
still can be found in an old sidewal on Maple Street.
In 1935 the T. Eaton Company was the owner of the Melita Creamery
