Museum Features

C.P.R. Document

Features Report

The Antler River Historical Society Museum

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The Antler River Historical Society Museum was opened in 1972. It replaced the 1905 eight room public elementary school on the corner of Summit and Ash Streets. The museum is the result of a town effort, with many groups and individuals volunteering their time and money.

Hours of Operation

June, July and August
Tuesday to Saturday 1:00 - 5:00
Sundays 1:00 – 4:00
Open by appointment: 522-3438

Things to see

Old Time Picture Room
One Room School Room
Transportation Story
Native Heritage
Historical Military Room
Pioneer Heritage Agricultural Displays
Artifacts, Antiques, and Fashions of Yesterday
Horse and Wagon Display
Community History
Wildlife Taxidermy Exhibit
Art Room Miscellaneous - telephone history