• have at least one, or probably two
guest speakers per year
E. Leigh Syms
staff from Brandon University
Gord Hill of Manitoba Historic Resources Branch
Dave Arthurs of Park Canada
• develop a phone-in connection with a local radio station re
site information, or have a cell phone number for self-guided sites
tour information http://www.ndtourism.com/Resources/ (see 2004 Tourism
Development Plan.pdf)
• develop an initial web site
news items on local archaeology and First Nations and Metis activities
programming announcements on-going progress reports
start putting local archaeology publications on line as .pdf files when
perŽmission can be obtained
**The mere presence of the web site will result in thousands of hits as
people are searching the Internet!!
Initiate meeting with various groups to develop a broad regional
• regional programs provide greater diversity and attract a wider
range of interested people
• regional programs provide a higher profile with the potential
of developing greater local pride, support and involvement
• regional programs provide greater public awareness and have the
potential of attracting broader financial support, e.g. provincial and
federal politicians and heritage groups
• some funding bodies such as the Museum's Assistance Program
(MAP) of the Canadian Department of Culture will only fund feasibility
studies that are regional because they have found that an increasing
number of communities (particularly in Saskatchewan) are declining to
such a degree that they cannot support the museums and other heritage
centres on their own (Mireille Lamontagne, personal communication 2004)
