Heritage Resources  /  Documents / Archaeology

Develop guidelines for a long-term strategy.

• These guidelines will be necessary to set the parameters for the long-term feasibility study
• Identify potential partnerships:
Canupawakpa Dakota Nation (CDN)
Turtle Mountain Metis Association
Reston, Waskada and Moncour Prehistoric Gallery museums
Municipalities including Arthur, Albert, Brenda, Cameron, and Edward
Towns such as Melita, Reston, Deloraine
Archaeology Department, Brandon University
The Manitoba Museum
•  identify potential sources of funds:
small grants for small projects, e.g. Heritage Grants Advisory Council (HGAC) for exhibit development, public interpretive materials, programŽming resources; Historic Resources Branch (HRB) for permanent exhibits on the provincial theme, Precontact Trade, to replace interpretive panel in front of the Antler River Historical Museum
larger provincial and federal economic development and heritage grants local fund raising activities long-term local commitment from towns and municipalities
•  identify institutions such as the Natural Resource Institute, University of Manitoba and programs such as Recreational Studies that will provide staff during internship programmes

Phase 2: Long-Term Development Plan


•  Develop a year round interpretive and administrative centre with permanent staff as an "all-ages permanent destination place"

•  Develop a local long-term financial commitment from town and municipal levels, crucial for any sustainable development
•  Obtain sources of development funding

•  Develop a plan to enhance local archaeological resources to make visits as "destination happenings"