Heritage Resources  /  Documents / Archaeology

APPENDIX A- Costs of Wanuskewin Heritage Park, near Saskatoon,Sk.

•  this centre was built in the late 1980s, so comparative costs would be much higher now (Hilderman et al 1986; Kanata Heritage Research & Presentation Corporation 1986; Meewasin Foundation Inc. n.d.)
•  it consists of 83 hectares, and a large interpretive centre, including dynamic interpre¬tive programming and a research program
•  proposed development costs (Meewasin Foundation Inc. 1986?)

Construction Costs

Interpretive Centre/Visitor Centre                                        $3 057 000
Trail system & landscaping                                                     950 000
Roadways & parking                                                             380 000
Maintenance facilities                                                            200 000
Services                                                                              135 000
Fencing & security                                                                  97 000
Sub Total                                                                       $4 819 000
Land costs                                                                           482 000
Master Plan                                                                            61 000
Design fees                                                                          395 000
Project management                                                               135000
Total                                                                             $5 892 000