Heritage Resources  /  Documents / Archaeology


Berry, Susan and Jack Brink 2004 Aboriginal Cultures in Alberta: Five Hundred Generations. The
Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton
Bryan, Liz 2005 Stone by Stone: Exploring Ancient Sites on the Canadian Plains. Heritage House
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Cutschall, Colleen 1990 Voice in the Blood. Art Gallery of Southwestern Manitoba, Brandon.
Elias, Peter Douglas 1988 The Dakota of the Canadian Northwest: Lessons in Survival. The
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Flynn Catherine Ann and E. Leigh Syms 1996 Manitoba s First Farmers, Manitoba History
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Goundry, Pamela 1981 A Cultural History and Raw Material Study of Projectile Points from the Pre-
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Kroker, Sid 1985 The Toews Bison Drive (DkMg-41) Manitoba Archaeological Quarterly Vol. 9 (4): 1-22.
Laviolette, Gontran 1991 The Dakota Sioux in Canada. DLM Publications, Winnipeg
Maclaren Plansearch Inc. 1984 Mitigative Heritage Resource Investigation: Waskada-Cromer
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Nicholson, B. A. 1991 Modeling a Horticultural Complex in South-central Manitoba during the Late
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Nicholson, B. A. and Scott Hamilton 1997 Material Correlates Accompanying Transitions by Vickers
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Nicholson, B. A. and Scott Hamilton 2001 Cultural Continuity «d Changing Subsistence Strategies
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Nicholson, B.A. and Mary Malainey 1995 Sub-plough zone Testing at the Lowton Site (DiLv-3): the
Vickers Focus Type Site in Southwest Manitoba, Canadian Journal of Archaeology Vol. 19: 87-100.
Symington, D. F. 1972 Hunters of the Plains: Assiniboine Indians. Gin and Company, Toronto.
Syms E. Leigh 1971 Archaeological Research in Southwestern Manitoba during 1970. A preliminary
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Syms E. Leigh 1974 History of a Refuse Pit: Interpreting Plains Camp Activity at a Macroscopic
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Syms E. Leigh 1976a Early Man Lived 12,000 Years Ago in Southwestern Manitoba. Canadian
GeographicalJournal 93(2): 64-67.
Syms E. Leigh 1976b The Vanbeselaere Metate: An Unusual Grinding Tool from Southwestern
Manitoba. Archae-Facts 3(4): 11-17.
Syms E. Leigh 1977 Cultural Ecology and Ecological Dynamics of the Ceramic Period in
Southwestern Manitoba. Memoir 12, Plains Anthropologist 12(72) (2).
Syms E. Leigh 1978 Aboriginal Mounds in Southern Manitoba: An Evaluative Overview. Manuscript
Report No. 323. Parks Canada, Winnipeg.
Syms E. Leigh 1979a The Devil's Lake-Sourisford Burial Complex on the Northeastern Plains. Plains
Anthropologist 24(86): 283-308.
Syms E. Leigh 1979b The Snyder Dam Site (DhMg-37) Southwestern Manitoba: Two New Ceramic
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Syms E. Leigh 1980 A Description and Analysis of the Nash Random Survey Sample, Southwestern
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Syms E. Leigh 1982 The Arvilla Burial Complex: A Re-assessment. Journal of the North Dakota
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Syms E. Leigh 1988 Ancient Gorget-Face Found Near Melita in Southwestern Manitoba. Manitoba
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Vickers, J. Roderick 1986 Alberta Plains Prehistory: A Review. Occasional Paper No. 27.
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Warren, Trudy 1980 The Ancient Cultural Developments in Southwestern Manitoba as Seen in the
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Whelan, James P. 1976 Projectile Point Varieties From the Brockinton Site (DhMg-7) in
Southwestern Manitoba. Na 'pao Vol.6 (1-2): 5-20.