Heritage Resources  /  Documents / Archaeology

•  develop a larger permanent exhibit at the interpretive centre and signage at the site

•  develop agreements with the land owners for access to the site, improve the road and establish a parking area

C.  Sonota/Besant Culture Site

•  located at Snyder Dam Site on the NE V4 of 33-2-27 Wl(Syms 1979b) where a brief excavation uncovered Besant vessels, or at DhMg-86 on SE 1U of 14-3-27 where a small surface collection was recovered
•  interpret the great dependence of First Nations peoples on Knife River Flint obtained from mines in western North Dakota, the large distinctive dart points, circa. AD 1 -800, the use of the atlatl and dart, and the introduction of early pottery (Snyder Dam produced 2 of the most complete Sonota/Besant vessels recovered in western Canada) (Syms 1979b)

Site Development

•  develop a temporary exhibit and fact sheets at the museum about Sonota Culture, early pottery making and mining for Knife River Flint in western North Dakota
•  work with land owners
•  develop permanent exhibit for the interpretive centre and site signage

D.  Oxbow Culture

•  located at S V2 of 12-3-25 Wl
•  interpret the Oxbow Culture, circa. 3000-5000 years ago, with its distinctive dart points and tradition of building large medicine wheels

Site Development

•  develop initial temporary exhibit for museum and fact sheets
•  work with land owners
•  develop and construct on-site signage
•  develop permanent exhibit for interpretive center