Heritage Resources  /  Documents / Archaeology

•  has the largest variety and most impres¬sive assortment of surface features
•  consists of one of only two reported bison drive lanes in Manitoba, 4 tipi ring clusters, 2 rock cairns, 2 stone features of unknown use, plus a nearby camp site on the flood plain of Pipestone Creek (MacLaren Plansearch Inc. 1984; Kroker 1985)

Site Development

•  requires temporary display and fact sheets
•  needs interpretive signage at the site
•  ease of access unknown
•  needs research to excavate the pound structure and other features

B. Roy Campbell Tipi Ring Site (DjMg-6)

• located on SE 32 and NE 29-7-27 Wl, on a gravel ridge
•  with 91 documented tipi rings, it is the largest reported tipi ring site in Manitoba and one of the largest in Western Canada     ,   

(Hill 1992)

Site Development

•  with only 'A of one tipi ring excavated, until further excavations are done little can be said about the group that inhabited it
•  needs interpretive display and fact sheets on tipi rings in general
• needs site signage, as already noted by regional tourism people (Dave Braddell, personal communication)

Aerial view of Toews Bison Drive Site showing features.
Dark line is the location of an oil
pipeline, laid to avoid disturbing the site and
           show respect to the local First Nations.