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When the C.P.R. decided to make Brandon the headquarters, however, Grand Valley quietly disappeared into the mists of memory with only a school and an annual picnic keeping the name alive over the years.

That began to change in the fall of 1969 when the Brandon Chamber of Commerce decided to follow suggestions to make Grand Valley the theme of centennial celebrations in Brandon and district.

Gents in ruffled shirtfronts and piped jackets, ladies in long gowns of yesterday began at the start of the year to get into the Grand Valley spirit.


Engines and paddle wheels on display. Jaycee Santa Clause Parade, 1969

Another idea was born, however, when the two men from two Grand Valleys got together in Winnipeg. Why not a "twinning" of the two areas as well as twinning of Brandon and Wheeling, the urban centres of the respective valleys of the Assiniboine and the Ohio?

Mr. Kaiser is enthusiastic about the fact that there are skeleton fragments of boats to be found in Manitoba rivers.

“They’ve all been removed, buried or covered by waters backed up by dams in our country,” he told me one evening, "It's just fabulous to think that they are be found here. "

He’s coming back in July…

Michael Kaiser is going to return to our Grand Valley in early July, after the snow has gone, hopefully. He has already laid plans for the visit, when he wants to take a look at the site of the Assiniboine Queen as well as some of the other sites of sus¬pected paddlewheeler graves along the river.

The S and D Reflector is carrying several pages in the July edition about the Empress of Ireland (Assiniboine Queen) and her history.