Former Pool Hall
505 Broadway Ave.
Once a fabric shop with a pool hall at the back.
Kelby’s Restaurant / Fabric Shop
Tanning and Toning – Enid Mulholland
Laird’s Larder / Floras Hastie – Deli

Furniture Store
519 Broadway Ave.
Brian McAlpin
Jack & Karen Garbed
Jason Maurice
Once a restaurant / Harvey Fader
Now 3 buildings joined

Rex Café Storage
523 Broadway Ave. At the rear of Wu’s
Used as Meat Storage for the Rex Café and others.

Massey Ferguson Dealer
We know little about the early days of this building except that it was
a Massey Ferguson Dealership and that the following have been
associated with it: Ben Anderson, Gwen’s Trends and a Sports Store.
Killarney Place
530 Williams Ave.
Project of the Industrial Development Board
Having a Mall was another thing that set Killarney aside from its
neighbouring towns.
1969 – They started buying stores on Broadway
1973 = They sold 50 shares for $3000 each
Financed by Portage la Prairie Credit Union
Opened April 30, 1975 as Killarney Shoppers’ Mall
In about 2012 it was bought by Rick Pauls, Gwen Trip & Chris
Johnson – became Killarney Place

Erin Inn Motor Hotel
534 Broadway Ave.
265.D.15 / 1966
In the sixties many towns welcomed a “Modern” Motor Hotel.

International Harvester Dealership
Finlay & Mountain
Peter J. McDonald bought the corner in 1944
It has served as a Bus Stop and as Apartments

Chapman’s Motors
430 Broadway Ave.
Business started by the Chapman family ca, 1945.
Also: Teddy Bear Superette – Jack Ober
Recycle Depo. Grocery Store – Heather & Callum Raswell

aEmerald Isle Motel
103 Water Ave.
The location reminds us of Killarney’s role as a “Beach” town.
Owned by David Foster ca. 1981
