Flywheel Club Museum
Located on #3 west of the junction of #3 and #18.
Club started in 1976
Has a small collection of Heritage Buildings
See Residences – 265.C.81

Farm House
44 Water Street
265.E.2 / 1915
The structure housed the manager of an agricultural demonstration
facility established when George Lawrence, a Killarney pioneer, was
Manitoba’s minister of agriculture. The large dwelling, with its
prominent dormers and wide shady verandah, is a fine example of the
typical four-square farmhouses built across southern Manitoba in the
early 1900s. Closed in 1946, used as a Royal Canadian Mounted Police
barracks, a private school and a museum, the house retains much of its
exterior integrity and interior layout and character.
Designated Site
Recently renovated, repaired and re-purposed.

David Museum
414 Williams Ave.
The former Museum Building, torn down within the last decade, was next
door where the garden is now located. It was founded by J.A.V. David.
Lakeland Regional Library
318 Williams
Former Samaritan Hall
Library moved here in 1974.
On site of the Erskine Presbyterian Church (1898)
Home to Oddfellows, Rebeccas and various other groups.

War Memorial - Cenotaph
Broadway Ave.
265.F.1 / 1926
In 1920 bronze plaques dedicated to the memory of those who gave their
lives in The Great War were placed in Anglican, Methodist and
Presbyterian Churches
After years of discussion this monument was dedicated on Sept. 25, 1926.

Pioneer Monument
Erin Park
265.F.2 / 1962
Placed by the Kiwanis Club.
The bell, from the old town hall, bears the Inscription:
In memory and to honour the pioneers of Killarney and Turtle Mountain.

Presbyterian Church Monument
318 Williams
Inscription offers a brief history of the first (1898) and second
(1949) Erskine Presbyterian Churches. On site of the first church, now
the site of the Library.

Mausoleum built in 1976

Elks Hall

Communities in Bloom Sign & Green Space
Site of Killarney Schools
Commemorates the work Killarney / Turtle Mountain Communities in Bloom

Erin Park
Killarney Lake
Killarney Water Tower
On a hill overlooking Killarney Lake and the town – “Hare Mountain”
265.M.1 / Ca. 1970