Post Office - 500 Broadway Ave.
265.A.1 / ca. 1950

Free Methodist Church
Fletcher & Hossack
265.B.5 / 1965
Original Builder / Architect: Rev. Frank Coxson
First church (white frame) built on the west side of Broadway south of
Finlay Street in 1897.
Partially built from material from the dining hall and tabernacle of
the Holiness Movement Camp facilities at this site.
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
Fletcher and Williams
265.B.1 / 1890

Built in
1890 with the sanctuary facing west
Chancery added 1892 and brick veneer
1899 – Ladies Aid donated pews
Re-oriented in 1920 when chancel and nave moved to the west end.
Building Features of Interest:
Oldest existing church building in Killarney
Ontario-style with white quoins

Erskine Presbyterian Church
Hamilton & William
265.B.2 / 1949
Replaced an 1898 stone church that was used until Union in 1925.
Lutherans rented the building for a while in the 1990’s

Former Mennonite Church and Masonic Lodge
King & Findlay
This former Mennonite Church was moved here by the Masonic Lodge, and
later converted to a residence.
It originally was located east of Whitewater Village, on old Highway #3

United Church
Finlay & Williams (432)
265.B.4 / 2006

Mennonite Church
66 Bay Ave.
265.B.6 / 1966
Calvary Baptist Church
310 Mountain Ave.
265.B.7 /. 1966

New Life
411 Finlay St.

Lakeside Community Church
Hamilton & Lakeside
Kingdom Hall – Jehovah’s Witnesses
Highway #3