Robinson – brother of David Robinson
Jim came out to the Killarney district a year or so after my
Father. He took up a homestead just north and west of our
farm. Uncle Jim was a bachelor for many years, some years later
his youngest sister Rachel came out from Ontario and kept house for
grandfather Samuel Robinson came out and lived with Jim for many
years. Rachel married Lewis Davies of Ninette, then Kate Robinson
who had been out for a few years, married Fred Smith, whose daughter
Beatrice Quinn now lives in Killarney.
fact, all the Robinson family came to Manitoba. Mrs. David
Wilfong, a sister, and her four children came to Killarney, her two
sons Stanley, who worked for a druggist, and Sam who worked for Angus
McQueen and later Fred Kent, being well known in Killarney, the two
daughters, Mabel married a Harry Way and Myrtle married a Leonard NIxon.
farm was in section nineteen but I do not remember in which direction
they were situated.
sold his farm and stock, etc. and he and his wife Janey moved into
Killarney where both remained until the time of their deaths.
Uncle Jim and my father were great Orangemen and Uncle Jim used to
represent King William of Orange and rode one of our dappled grey
horses at the Orangemen’s 12th of July celebration.
never took up land, he was past that age when he came west but he was a
good help to Jim both around the house and with other outside chores.
Wes Hamilton of Ninette was also one of the early settlers in the
Killarney district.