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Vantage Points Subject Index

The Vantage Points Series includes over 150 short, readable articles relating to the history of Western Manitoba. These are available in the form of three booklets included with this package. Volume IV is in production. These selected stories relating specifically to the Hartney area, will serve as starting points, but a glance through the booklets will uncover many other articles that support the themes and topics examined in History Classes at various Grade Levels.

See the Complete Index of Downloadable PDF Files..

Grande Clairière
(1888 – Present) A Catholic priest from France established a parish and community here. Volume 3, Page 31

Tena’s Boarding House
Tena Hopkins established a Hartney institution. A look at lifestyles a century ago.
 Volume 4, Page 25

The Edwards Sister – Business Partners
The story of Hartney’s first female entrepreneurs.
 Volume 4, Page 32

Lauder Sandhills
(10,000 BC - Present) The unique environment provided by the Lauder Sandhills attracted bison, which appealed to the early peoples who came to camp and live there. Volume 3, Page 13

Melgund, Almost a Village
The story of the Melgund community. Home to some of the earliest settlers in this region.
Volume 4, Page 9

Quaker Church
(1899 – 1948) The Chain Lakes Friends Meeting House operated here for 50 years before being moved to Dand and renamed the Dand United Church. Volume 3, Page 46

(1882 – Present) Hartney is a town with a vibrant history, pleasant present and bright future! Volume 1, Page 25

Ash House
(1795 – 1797) Ash House was likely the first fur trading post built on the Souris River. Volume 1, Page 9

American Fur Trading Co. Fort
(1810 – 1828) There were two fur trading posts on the Souris River run by the American Fur Trading Company. The exact location of the other one is unknown. Volume 3, Page 17

Fort Desjarlais
(1836 – 1858) The independently run Fort Desjarlais was the largest and most successful of the Souris River Fur Trading Forts. Volume 1, Page 13

Yellow Quill Trail
(Pre 1790 - 1886) The Yellow Quill Trail began as a trade route used by First Nations but served as a convenient avenue of travel for pioneering Europeans as well. Volume 1, Page 6

Dand Stone Features     Vol. III  Page 16

Hart-Cam Museum     Vol. III Page 47

Stories available online:


Selected stories in printable PDF format:
