Hartney & District Learning Materials Project


Resource Collection

A. The Vantage Points Series

The Vantage Points Series includes over 150 short, readable articles relating to the history of Western Manitoba. These are available in the form of three booklets included with this package.

The following are available on the DVD that accompanies this binder and at:


B. Photo Archive

In attempting to understand the past, a variety of documents can give us statistics, names and numbers; but if we are lucky enough to have a photos of a person, event or place we are reading about, we can often understand on another level.

Hi-Res photos from the hartneyheritage.ca collection are available upon request.


C. Map Archive

Maps are the best way we have to visually grasp the physical reality of settlement patterns for a time when photographic record is sparse to non-existent. Other records will give us statistics, names and numbers; but it is through maps that we get the big picture.

Hi-Res maps from the hartneyheritage.ca collection are available upon request.


D. Newspaper Stories From the Pioneer Era

In the 1880’s and 90’s The “Big City” newspapers from Brandon and Winnipeg did pay attention to events on the “frontier”. Complete copies of many publications are now available online at

E. Historic  Sites

Fur Trade Sites, Pioneer Churches and Pioneer Schools in the Hartney Region

F. Digital Document Archive

G.  Local Heritage Projects

Local heritage projects about the  People, Places and Events of our region are available in Binder form at the Town / Municipal Office and at www.hartneyheritage.ca