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10 Things to do with Archived Newspapers

1. 1. Search for storys about relatives

2. Search for stories about Local pioneers (Using the Local History / Museum Info and / or Notable People Projects

Download a page with ads - 

3. Find products that were promoted as “new”
4. What services are advertised that are no longer needed today?

If Copies of local papers are available:

5. Use one edition to create a summary or snapshot. Eg “ Life in Wawanesa in May of 1892”

Based on:


Was influential in the community?


Were the key events that week
Was for sale that week


Did things happen?
What do we learn about outlying neighbourhoods the “District”?
what provincial or national news is reported?

6. Using one edition of a paper list 10 things you learn about your community at that time.

7. If you have no available local paper from settlement era – create one.

8. Sport Report / Local Heroes

Using news reports, photos and Local Histories, compare Sporting activities from the past with activities in your town today.
- which sports were / are available and popular?
- How have the games changed?
- What elements of recreational sports have remained the same?

9. Turn individual news articles into TV News Reports or Radio News.

10. Connect photos to news stories by creating displays or posters. If possible connect to people and places today.