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Curriculum Based Activity #3

Three Panel Historical Significance Display

Select an Event from local history (see list below)

Impact   -  Description   -  Revealing

Who was affected by this event?
How were people’s lives affected by this event? (What changed for them?)
How long were people’s lives affected by this event?    Introduce the topic
What happened?
Where and when did it happen?
Why did this event happen?
Who was involved in this event?    Why is this event important to us today?
Why should we care?
Make connections from this event to our lives today. (What does it symbolize?)
What other events/actions did it lead to?


Sample Topics:

Joseph Desjarlais builds a trading post on the Souris River southwest of where Hartney is now located
James Hartney opens the first Post Office in the region.
Dr. Fred Woodhull moves from Deloraine to Hartney
The C.P.R.  established a town near the farm of James Hartney

Many more from “Pivotal Events in Hartney”