The Thérèse
Roman Catholic Church is accessible to the public from May to October.
Visitors will first notice the attractive grounds...

and exterior details of the building itself.

Follow the pathways to view commemorative plaque displays.

scholar Dr. A.E. Leyssac is commemorated here for his contributions to
the community and his country.

Inside the building you will find a treasure trove of
information and imagery about the community, the chapel and the people.
Artifacts relating to the Church and its function are displayed

Documents & Interpretation

Documents and records such as this comprehensive attendance record shed
light on the history of the Chapel and of the community.

Several displays explain the significance of vestments, artifacts and

Local history is preserved and presented though a collection of
archival newspaper clippings and documents.

The Guest Book is set amidst a selection of informative pamphlets and

A magazine article on display features acclaimed novelist
Gabrielle Roy, who taught school in Cardinal in 1929. Her novel,
“Children of My Heart” draws upon that experience.

Highlights from the community's history is captured in this Timeline. (see the onlijne version here...)

The photo display captures many aspects of the community, the village
and the people.

Some of the better copies of local images are prominently displayed.
Visit our Online Photo Archive....