
Adamson, R.
R. Adamson was the first mayor of Virden in 1891

Ballard , Dr.
Dr. Ballard practiced as a veterinarian in Virden before going on to market Dr. Ballard’s line of dog foods.

Bouverie, Francis P.
Mr. Bouverie was the younger son of the Earl of Radnor who immigrated to Canada from England with his friend Thomas Routledge. Together they founded  Bosshill Farm, in 1885. His specialty as a farmer was horse breeding.

Bridgett W.A.
Mr. Bridget and his family were in the Hardware business for many years. He also had an interest in the creamery.

Burge, George
George Burge was a busy contractor in Virden’s early days.

Clingan George (Dr.)
George Clingan served as M.L.A. in 1914-22 and sponsored the bill that enacted Women’s suffrage in 1916.

Coob, John
John Coob erected a tent “hotel” in Gopher Creek and the, built the Ottawa House, the first Hotel in Virden.

Deir, George P.
George Dier had a supply “Post” at Gopher Creek before building the first store on the Virden town site.

Elphinstone (Lord)
Lord Elphinstone was a director of the Canada and North-West Land co. He established a large ranch north of Newdale where a Post Office and town was soon to be named in his honour, also had land in the Virden (Gopher Creek) area managed by his son Montague Elphinstone, and in 1881 had a large stone house built on his property.

Frame J.F.
J.F. Frame was one of the first to build a fine home in the “Quality Hill” area (now the Pioneer Home Museum). He served as an M.LA. starting in 1892 and also was later on the Town Council.

Gerrand, Symington
Symington Gerrand was one of the first farmers in the Virden area. He brought his stock and equipment upriver by steamboat in 1882.

Gopher Creek Residents
In the 1880’s The Winnipeg Daily Sun routinely reported on visitor to their city. Gopher Creek was mentioned several times as the home of these citizens; James Dunn, F.E. Lanpaw, S.D. Robson  & J.W. MacDonald.

Goulter, H.H.
H.H. Goulter had a Law Office in Virden in 1885

Harris, George
George Harris was a prominent builder.

Higgenbotham, John
John Higgenbotham, came form Ontario in 1888 and bought a drug store recently established by Mr. A Freeborn. In 1896 he bought our Steele’s Drug Store on Seventh Avenue. His family operated the business for four generations. His son served as mayor in the 1930’s

Iven. C.E. (Colonel)
Colonel Ivens, as he was known, was a long serving Reeve and member of the local militia.

Joslin, W.W.
W.W.Joslin settled north of  town. The Joslin area and school were named after him. He later moved to Virden and served as Mayor starting in 1896. His name is associated with the Terrace and with an early Liquor Store

Lagtry, Dick (R.J.)
Beginning in 1905 Dick Langtry served as the first mayor of Virden after its 1904 incorporation as a town.

Marshall Brothers
The Marshall Brothers were “leading contractors in Virden for many years”,
and were responsible for many fine buildings, including the Carmel Presbyterian Church 1891 &  the Manse, 1906.

McDougall, Alex (A.J.)
Alex Mc Dougall was a contractor and Reeve

Manser, W.T.
W.T. Manser was the contractor builder responsible for Post Office (Scott Block) and many other projects. He was referred to as “the best known” builder of that era. in The Virden Story.

McDonald W.M.
W.M. McDonald was an early pioneer. His son Donald was an influential businessman who helped arrange for the establishment of Victoria Park.

McLean, Daniel
Daniel McLean was the first MLA for the constituency in 1886

Pineo, Clarence
Clarence Pineo was a retailer involved in Pineo and Merrick Men’s Wear, now Randy’s on 7th Avenue.

Proctor, J.H.
J.H. Proctor was a dentist from Scotland who settled in the Two Creeks area in 1882.

Reid, John
John Reid was a contractor.

Rockola, Dave
Dave Rockola, was the son of George, a pioneer Virden pump-maker and early resident of Virden (1892). Mr. Rockola invented the “Rock-Ola Juke Box.

Routledge, Thomas
Mr. Routledge was a former captain in the British Army who, with his friend Francis Bouverie, established Bosshill Farm, in 1884. He served during the north West Rebellion, and was instrumental in establishing the Virden Home Guard, which evolved into the 12th Dragoons. He was named a Justice of the Peace for the area in 1883.

Scallion, James
James Scallion was the first to purchase (rather than homestead) a farm in the area. He came in 1883 and soon operated a large farm known as “The Grange” about three kilometres miles north of town. Scallion Creek bears his name. He has been referred to as “the founding father of the grain grower’s’ movement in Manitoba”.

Scarth, W.T. 
W.T. Scarth  was the first postmaster at Gopher Creek in 1882. He had a store and post office in Virden during the pioneer years. The Scarth Block has housed a Men’s Wear Shop since it was built in 1898.

Simpson J.S.
J.S. Simpson was a stock dealer.

Stephen, William
William Stephen was a leader in a family effort at establishing a ”farming colony” near Virden in the early 1880’s.  He was president of the Agricultural Society.

Wallace. Mrs. DeWitt, nee Lila Bell Acheson
Mrs. Wallace, who was born in Virden was co-editor of the Reader’s Digest. Her grandparents were long-term residents of Virden.

Wilcox W.J.
W.J.Wilcox arrived in 1882 and spent decades in the grocery business. His family was prominent throughout Virden’s early years.

Wyatt, W.G.
W.G. Wyatt opened Virden’s first lumber yard in 1886.

Stone Masons
Virden retains a wide variety of stone houses. Ida Clingan in “The Virden Story” identifies three of the stone masons responsible; Jack Collins, Hugh King, and Joseph Winters.

Gopher Creek Residents
In the 1880’s The Winnipeg Daily Sun routinely reported on visitor to their city. Gopher Creek was mentioned several times as the home of these citizens; James Dunn, F.E. Lanpaw, S.D. Robson  & J.W. MacDonald.

The Canada North-West Land Co. were British capitalists with the 7th Duke of Manchester as a leading director. The company was given joint trusteeship of townsites such as Moose Jaw, Regina, Qu’Appelle and Virden. Thus the town w
