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Boissevain - Morton

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Vantage Points Stories (Books, Online & pdf)

Boissevain - Morton

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Volume 1

Turtle Mountain       Web  / PDF      Vol. I, Page 1
The creation, habitiation and settlement of a unique area.

Whitewater Lake       Web  / PDF      Vol. I, Page 2
The creation, habitiation and settlement of a unique area.

Boundary Commission Trail       Web  / PDF      Vol. I, Page 4
The main highway - west.

Mandan Trail      WebPDF       Vol. I, Page 5
The explorer LaVérendrye used the Mandan Trail on his expedition in 1738 to visit the Mandan villages along the Missouri, thus the trail quite possibly existed prior to the fur trade era.

Skull Swamp       WebPDF    Vol.  I, Page 7
Skull Swamp is an example of the ingenuity possessed by post glacial societies in their bison hunting techniques and how they used the existing landscape to their advantage.
Web Link

Lena House      Web  / PDF     Vol.  I, Page 10
Lena House is one of two fur trading posts which were located on Turtle Mountain, though its exact location has never been determined.

The Boiler Trail
    Web  / PDF      Vol. I, Page 19
This trail branched off from the Boundary Commission Trail about a 2.4 kms west of Wakopa and met up with the Trail again at the Old Deloraine Land Titles Office

George Morton's Ventures    Web  / PDF     Vol. I , Page  20
He persuaded businessmen in Kingston to invest in the Morton Dairy Farm Company and received (via his business connections with John A. MacDonald the right to purchase 72 square miles (184 kms²) of land west of Whitewater Lake.
Vantage Points Flashbacks:   Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Turtle Mountain City and Waubeesh   Web  / PDF    Vol. I, Page 21
John Brondgeest envisioned Waubeesh becoming a thriving settlement, and by 1884, it was indeed a chief commercial centre for the region along with Old Deloraine.

Strathallen School      Web  / PDF       Vol.  I, Page 28
The school was built in 1892 about seven miles (11 kms) southwest of Boissevain along the old No. 3 Highway.

Great Northern Railway       Web  / PDF      Vol.  I, Page 30
Construction of the Great Northern Railway (GNR) began during the winter of 1905 and finished in 1906, covering the 69.5 miles (110 kms) from St. John's (Devil's Lake), North Dakota to Brandon, Manitoba.
Web Link

Mennonite Settlement in Southwest Manitoba   /   Web  / PDF      Vol. I , Page  34
Mennonites settle on the Canadian Prairies -  Post 1923
Vantage Points Flashbacks:        Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Dunseith Trail       Web  / PDF      Vol. I, Page 35
The prohibition of beverage alcohol in the early 1900s paved the way for one of the area's most colourful chapters of thrill and intrigue.

Walter Zeiler – Rum-runner   Web  / PDF      Vol. I, Page 36
He travelled in the dead of night, never under a full moon, and never after it had freshly snowed because of the tracks that would be left by his horse's hooves

Lorna Smith Nature Centre      Web  / PDF      Vol. I, Page  41
The Lorna Smith Nature Centre just southeast of Boissevain was established in 1983 by the Turtle Mountain Conservation District as part of the reservoir project.

Volume 2

Oil Exploration      Web  / PDF      Vol.  II, Page 46
The present-day oil boom builds upon a history of success in the oil industry

Volume 3

Mammoth Tusk       WebPDF      Vol.  III, Page 8
This find is one of only eight proboscidean discoveries in Manitoba and one of three tusks, the other finds being teeth.

Eva McKay: The Dakota Experience    WebPDF     Vol.  III Page 22
Retelling History: Elder, healer and activist Eva McKay tells of the gross misinterpretation of history as it describes her people

Old Wakopa        Web  / PDF     Vol. III, Page 24
The first “stopping place” for settlers heading west
Vantage Points Flashbacks:   Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources
Places Link

Lake Max Sawmill      Web  / PDF     Vol.III  , Page 26
In 1880 Mr Bolton established a sawmill on the shore of Lake Max. The next year, entrepreneur George Morton bought the sawmill and used it to produce lumber for nearly every building in the then thriving village of Whitewater.
Vantage Points FlashbacksRadio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Lake Max Recreation      Web  / PDF     Vol.III , Page 27
As the largest lake in what is now Turtle Mountain Provincial Park, Max Lake was the natural location of choice for summer holidaying.

All Saint's Church     Web  / PDF    Vol.  III, Page 32
The All Saint’s Church and Cemetery served as a landmark and community centre for over 30 years before the numbers in the parish could no longer support it.

Turtle Mountain Forestry Reserve  
Web  / PDF      Vol.  III, Page 41
In 1895 the Minister of the Interior set aside 75,000 acres as the “Turtle Mountain Timber Reserve.”

George King General Store      Web  / PDF     Vol.  III, Page 49
Built in 1904, it was once also the home of the Boissevain and Morton Library and Archives.

The Blue Flea     Web  / PDF     Vol.  III, Page 51 
The Lauder Subdivision of the CPR (which came to be known as the Blue Flea) was constructed due to a request which came from one Thomas Dand.

Ben Arde: Mountainside Store Operator      Web  / PDF     Vol.  III, Page 53
1949 - 1962
Ben Arde was born in Saskatchewan in October of 1926. His parents farmed there until the 1930s. When Ben was eight his father, originally from Wakopa, moved his family back to Manitoba, this time settling south of Mountainside.
Places Link

Volume 4

Railway Schemes and Dreams     Web  / PDF    Vol. IV, Page  10
While many of the railway proposals may have been based more on hopes than on available investors, most were practical, indeed modest, attempts to address a local Manitoba need.

A Disturbance in the Classroom - By Edith King      Web  / PDF      Vol. IV   , Page  12
At the blackboard the young teacher determinedly was writing an exercise for the class. From behind her came a sudden but definite flip, flip, flip of an inkwell.

The Anchorage       Web  / PDF    Vol. IV , Page  14
The Anchorage was not, as one might expect when first hearing of it, a public hall. It was a private home.

Sam Heaslip - The "Stage Coach" Mailman    Web  / PDF     Vol.  IV, Page 17
In the early 1880’s the main road from Old Deloraine to Brandon was the Heaslip Trail named for Sam Heaslip who established the trail and used it to deliver the mail.

A Tale of Two Mill Fires     Web  / PDF      Vol.  IV, Page 18
The story of milling in Boissevain begins shortly after the town was established as an important commercial centre on the new CPR line. In those days a progressive town needed a mill.

From Trails to Rails     Web  / PDF     Vol. IV , Page  19
Whole villages like Deloraine, Waubeesh and Wassawa were moved to new locations when the rail line passed them by.

The First Phone in Boissevain      Web  / PDF      Vol.  IV, Page 28
In 1904 a local exchange was located in Hilton's Drug Store, but only a few residences were hooked up. Then in 1906 the Bell Telephone Company began installing its own phones in Boissevain homes.

Cricket Anyone? : The Waubeesh English Settlement        Web  / PDF     Vol.  IV, Page 38
There were many attempts in Western Canada for groups from Britain to duplicate the sort of life they were used to in their home country.

Mr. Bryan's Whistle Stop      Web  / PDF       Vol.  IV, Page 58       
“One time, Mr. William Jennings Bryan, a noted politician in U.S.A. was trying for the presidency. He came to Canada on the Great Northern Railway..."
Web Link

Volume 5

The Three Bridges at Riverside    Web  / PDF  Vol.  V, Page 10
This well-used crossing of the Souris River has seen a few changes.
Places Link

The Two Desfords       Web  / PDF       Vol.  V, Page 14
The Desford community began in the late 1870's along the Old Commission Trail about twelve kilometres south- southeast of Boissevain.

Snow Plane to the Rescue!         Web  / PDF     Vol.  V, Page 26
Simply put, a snowplane was a sleigh with a body on it and a propeller on the back end of a motor. Like the horse and sleigh before it, it didn’t need roads.  

Nurse Halladay and Boissevain’s First Hospitals      Web  / PDF      Vol.  V, Page 31
When the time came to open the doors on this new and much appreciated service, Nurse Halladay was appointed Matron.
scibing him.

Murder for a Homestead      Web  / PDF      Vol.  V, Page 37
Two murders, a national manhunt and a near escape. It all started on a farm near Boissevain.

Boissevain’s Dr. Bird    Web  / PDF     Vol.  V, Page 42
Dr Bird had to deal with many emergency procedures by the dim light in a homesteader’s bedroom.

Home Delivery - The Drayman        Web  / PDF     Vol. V, Page 44
In addition to doing the daily deliveries from the station, the draymen did deliveries from merchants to customers. In the days before everyone had a car, many b

Vantage Point Flashbacks (Radio Broadcasts)

#2: Bridge At Bunclody  /   Railway Construction /
Almost all trains, he said, went east and west, but this one was going north and south, making new connections and hopefully opening markets for us and our neighbours.

Trails & Rivers     Railways     Settler Pre-Railroad   Innovation, Tools & Entrepreneurs    Commerce & Work

#4: Whitewater Lake 
Change is the only constant when it come to this large shallow body of water.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


Trails & Rivers      Fur Trade    Dakota, Nakota & First Nations    Settler - Pre-Railroad      Children

#11: Sam Long - Laundry Man 
Many Chinese men came to Canada for railway building work, and many stayed on to do other things.
#13: Overlooking Fire 
The complicated history of the prairie fire, and the changes brought by Euro-settlers
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


Dakota, Nakota & First Nations    Settler - Pre-Railroad      Innovation, Tools & Entrepreneurs       Homesteading / Agriculture      Land Knowledge & Archaeology

#15: The Legend of Wakopa 
Bernard LaRiviere's Stopping Place became southwestern Manitoba's first "settler" village - and an important one at that.

Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  | 


Metis & Mixed Blood     Dakota, Nakota & First Nations  Settler - Pre-Railroad    Schools & Teachers  
Land Knowledge & Archaeology       Biographies &Characters

#36: Ninety - Acre Island (On Max Lake)
Max Lske was a recreational site, sawmill site... and for some a home.

#37: George Morton / The Cheese King 
The name of the Municipality of Boissevain pays tribute to George Morton. He came to Turtle Mountain area in 1878 - and immediately saw the potential for large-scale cheese production - and other things.
#38: Mennonites 
In 1924 a Mennonite family arrived in Whitwater to join other who had decided to start a new life in Canada.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


Railways       Churches & Religion      Women Leaders    Cross Cultural Learning      Biographies &Characters   War & Conflict     Government Influence

#45: Mountainside
Mountainside is one of several stops on the Lyleton branch. That railway is fondly remembered as the lifeline of small communities.

Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


Railways            Schools & Teachers       Children       Commerce & Work     Celebration       Animals

#49: Objecting To War
he Mennonite religion teaches that we must not do violence to others; that it's wrong to fight in wars; which makes it easy to think they we're soft on Hitler. But in reality they reject any authority that uses violence.

Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  | 


  Women Leaders       Churches & Religion    Cross Cultural Learning    Biographies & Characters
War & Conflict   Government Influence

#52: Mountain Mill 
Those sod houses prairie settlers built seem quaint from a distance. They served their purpose but settlers  near Turtle Mountain had  a suuply of wood close at hand and it wasn't long before The Max Lake sawmill was servoing the commimity.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


                Settler - Pre-Railroad         Innovation, Tools & Entrepreneurs            Commerce & Work    Biographies &Characters         Government Influence
#61: Concrete Block Construction  / Home Blocks  
What made this grand home affordable back in 1904, was that the Palmer block maker allowed the owner-builder to make blocks on-site with local gravel!

Additional Resources

The Great Northern Line

Jim Hill's Canadian Railway  

A Canadian Rail article

Local History Book Downloads....

Beckoning Hills

Beckoning Hills Revisited

Turtle Mountain Corduroy

Vantage Points

Copyright © Turtle Mountain–Souris Plains Heritage Association.