Theme: Dakota, Nakota & First Nations
Vantage Points Stories (Books, Online & pdf)

Vantage Point Flashbacks (Radio Broadcasts)
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Theme: Dakota, Nakota & First Nations
Format: Vantage Points Article

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For more info about locations follow the "Places Link".
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Assiniboine (Nakota)       Web  / PDF     Vol.  II, Page 47
The Assiniboine were once a Nation that occupied a territory that spanned the prairie provinces (including southwestern Manitoba) and parts of the northern United States.
Vantage Points Flashbacks:      Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Dakota Claim in Canada      WebPDF     Vol. II Page 48
Unlike other First Nations in Canada, the Dakota did not sign treaties with the Canadian government. Because of this they are still fighting for acknowledgment of their Aboriginal title.
Vantage Points Flashbacks     Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Eva McKay: The Dakota Experience    WebPDF     Vol.  III Page 22
Retelling History: Elder, healer and activist Eva McKay tells of the gross misinterpretation of history as it describes her people

Chief Inkpaduta     WebPDF      Vol.  IV, Page 39
We may never be sure which way to see Inkpaduta, but we can be fairly certain that while in Canada, he lived a peaceful life.

Lauder Sandhills        WebPDF      Vol.  III, Page 13
10,000 BC - Present) The unique environment provided by the Lauder Sandhills attracted bison, which appealed to the early peoples who came to camp and live there.
Places Link

Numbered Treaties in Manitoba        WebPDF      Vol.  III, Page 18
Southern Manitoba was included in the signing of Treaty 1 and 2 in 1871 between local First Nations and the government of Canada. This event marked a major shift in land use on the prairies.
Vantage Points Flashbacks:       Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Sitting Eagle      WebPDF      Vol.  IV, Page 40
He and his Grandfather H'damani were among the few who declined a $200 government pay-off to relocate to a reserve near Pipestone. By 1909, only H’damani, his grandson Chaske (later known as Sitting Eagle) and a few others remained.
Vantage Points Flashbacks:     Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Skull Swamp       WebPDF    Vol.  I, Page 7
Skull Swamp is an example of the ingenuity possessed by post glacial societies in their bison hunting techniques and how they used the existing landscape to their advantage.
Web Link

Sourisford Linear Burial Mounds          WebPDF      Vol.  2, Page 40
Artifacts from these thousand year-old burial mounds indicate the trade relations that existed upon the plains before convenient modes of transportation.
Web Link

1885 - A Troubled Summer     WebPDF     Vol.  IV, Page 46
With the benefit of hindsight we know that any escalation of that conflict was unlikely. But the settlers in rural Manitoba didn’t know that.

The Souris Plains in 1491     WebPDF     Vol.  V, Page 1
What was life like on the Souirs Plains before the Europeans arrived? It was interesting and by any measure, the home to many very successful civilizations.
Vantage Points Flashbacks      Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources
Web Link 1
Web Link 2

Who Were the First Farmers on the Plains?      WebPDF       Vol.  V, Page 2
Ongoing archealogical research south of Melita is providing additional information about pre-contact agricultural activitiy in our region
Vantage Points Flashbacks:     Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources
Web Link

Turtle Mountain Reserve (IR60)
     Web  / PDF      Vol. I, Page 18
The Turtle Mountain Reserve  became the smallest reserve in Canada, measuring only one square mile.

The Mission School     WebPDF     Vol.  V, Page 3
In 1892 the local Endeavor Society obtained some funds and set up a school in a donated cabin on the Turtle Mountain Reserve.
Vantage Points Flashbacks:     Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources
Document Link

Shutting Down IR#60    WebPDF     Vol. V, Page 4&5
In 1889 Indian Agent J.A. Markle, based in Birtle, raised the possibility of relocating H’damani’s band.
Vantage Points Flashbacks:     Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources
Document Link

Pauline Johnson Comes to Town     Web  /  PDF     Vol.  IV, Page 51
The celebrated poet toured extensively across Canada. She even came to Napinka, where she made quite an impression.
Vantage Points Flashbacks:    Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Mandan Trail      WebPDF       Vol. I, Page 5
The explorer LaVérendrye used the Mandan Trail on his expedition in 1738 to visit the Mandan villages along the Missouri, thus the trail quite possibly existed prior to the fur trade era.

Yellow Quill Trail       Web  / PDF      Vol. I, Page 6
The main highway - to the southwest corner.

Ther Souris Basin Fur Trade      Web  / PDF     Vol.  I, Page 8
The Souris Basin was very important in the fur trade of the 18th and 19th Centuries.

Ash House      Web  / PDF     Vol.  I, Page 9
Ash House was built on the north shore of the Souris as a canoe fort.

Lena House      Web  / PDF     Vol.  I, Page 10
Lena House is one of two fur trading posts which were located on Turtle Mountain, though its exact location has never been determined.

John Pritchard       Web  / PDF      Vol.  I, Page 11
A Normally Competent Fur Trader Loses His Way
Vantage Points Flashbacks      Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

Fort Mr. Grant     Web  / PDF      Vol.  I, Page 12
Fort Mr. Grant was built sometime between 1824 and 1826 on the Souris River near Hartney.

Fort Desjarlais      Web  / PDF     Vol.  I, Page 13
Fort Desjarlais is remembered today as the most prominent and successful of the Souris River trading posts.
Places Link

Theme: Dakota, Nakota & First Nations
Format: Radio Broadcast

#1: Goodbye at Sourisford 
Charlie West felt invisible at Sourisford, before other began to arrive.
Date: 1880   Place: Sourisford   : Municipality:  Two Borders    

Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  | 

Trails & Rivers  / Fur Trade / Dakota, Nakota & First Nations  / Community Cooperation & Organization

#6: A Deal's a Deal /   Treaties
How did the Treaties come about?
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources

  Metis & Mixed Blood      Dakota, Nakota & First Nations    Community Cooperation & Organization     
Homesteading / Agriculture          Government Influence

#8: Prairie Riches /   Photos by Hime
Observations by the first Prairie Photographer
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


#9 John Pritchard /   Barely Alive
A Fur Trade Era survival story.

#13: Overlooking Fire 
The complicated history of the prairie fire, and the changes brought by Euro-settlers
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


Dakota, Nakota & First Nations    Settler - Pre-Railroad      Innovation, Tools & Entrepreneurs       Homesteading / Agriculture      Land Knowledge & Archaeology

#15: The Legend of Wakopa 
Bernard LaRiviere's Stopping Place became southwestern Manitoba's first "settler" village - and an important one at that.

Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  | 


Metis & Mixed Blood     Dakota, Nakota & First Nations  Settler - Pre-Railroad    Schools & Teachers  
Land Knowledge & Archaeology       Biographies &Characters

#17: Master Newcomb 
Each of the hundreds of homesteads registered in southwest Manitoba in the early 1880's required a visit to the Land Tiltes Office near Deloraine.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


Trails & Rivers           Dakota, Nakota & First Nations    Settler - Pre-Railroad        Homesteading / Agriculture     Biographies &Characters      Government Influence

#21 Sitting Eagle 
A visit from Sitting Eagle, the grandson of H'damani, the leader of IR #60, was an event many a child would remember.

Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  | 

  Dakota, Nakota & First Nations      Children    Land Knowledge & Archaeology     Cross Cultural Learning 
Biographies &Characters      Government Influence

#31: Ready to Dig at GainsboroughCreek
  People farmed in Southwest Manitoba many centuroes ago. They farmed the same fields beside Gainsborough Creek for over 200 years - growing corn, squash and beans.
#32: The Nakota  
The Nakota were frequently allies with explorers and fur traders. They enjoyed the benefits they got from trading but they were vulnerable to deceases Europeans brought.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


Fur Trade      Dakota, Nakota & First Nations     Schools & Teachers    Land Knowledge & Archaeology   Cross Cultural Learning        War & Conflict

#34: Miss Pauline (Johnson)
The celebrated poet toured extensively across Canada. She even came to Napinka, where she made quite an impression.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


           Dakota, Nakota & First Nations      Women Leaders   Children    Cross Cultural Learning   Biographies &Characters   War & Conflict 

#35: The Dakota
In the 1870's a delegation of Dakota-Sioux led by Chief H'damani sought  a reserve on Turtle Mountain. They had lived there in peace since 1862.
#39: Turtle Mountain Reserve  #60
The smallest Indian Reserve in Manitoba seemed to be doing well until the powers that be decided it should be "surrendered".
#40: Mouse Valley 
River valleys offer shelter, water, and wood to settler, hunter and traveller alike. The Souris River has been all that and more to the people of our region - for a long time.

#43: Buffalo Hunting / Buffalo Summer Hunt 
 Imagine, riding, full gallop within a tornado of stampeding buffalo, your knees steering your horse, filling your musket on the run, your mouth full of shot and your horn swith gunpowder, firing, reloading and firing again, perhaps 20 times in one run. It's a highly skilled, daring and disciplined affair.

#44: Winter Hunt  
Hunting buffalo at Turlte Mountain in the winter presents some challenges.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


     Fur Trade      Metis & Mixed Blood     Dakota, Nakota & First Nations          Innovation, Tools & Entrepreneurs              Animals

##46: The Doctrine of Discovery
How did Europeans get the land from Indigenous Nations? There was one official religion in Europe at that time, so that church had a lot of power. Its leader proclaimed the “Doctrine of Discovery” giving European Christian nations the right to claim virtually all of North America.

#53: Mission School
The Christian Endeavor Society operated a school on Turtle Mountain Reserve for a short while in the mid 1890's.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  |  Resources


Dakota, Nakota & First Nations     Community Cooperation & Organization           Schools & Teachers    Churches & Religion        Children          Government Influence
62: Smallpox  
In 1492 smallpox became endemic on the Euro-Asian and African continents. Residents there carried the disease but were immune to its effects. Noth American were not.
Radio Broadcast   |   Illustrated Text  | 


Fur Trade    Dakota, Nakota & First Nations       Health     Government Influence    Animals

Theme: Dakota, Nakota & First Nations

A Collection of First Nations Documents

A Collection of Photos

Vantage Points

Copyright © Turtle Mountain–Souris Plains Heritage Association.