
Early village in the Manitou area. Site of a Land Office.

Grist and sawmill on Silver Creek. (Adam Nelson family._
Mr. Pugh – ran the sawmill.  (shingle mill mentioned also)

The Nelson Mills were moved to Mountain City. 

Dec. 2, 1880 – “ Mountain City – Messrs Nelson and Pugh have to keep their mill running night and day to fill orders and yets cannot supply demand.”

From 125 Stories About Morden...

The community of Nelson, situated five miles north of Alvey Morden'sland, was well established by1880.

In 1877, Adam Nelson and his family settled in the Pembina Mountain district. Hissonsencouragedtheirfathertobuilda gristmillandsaw millon nearbySilverCreekandsoon a little villagesprangup. Thecommunitycontinuedtogrowanda town hall, school, churches, stores and banks were built. Doctors, lawyers, druggists and blacksmiths set up businesses. The population reached 500 and a regular stage coach route connected the town with Emerson.

The prospect of the building of a railway through the town raised high hopes among the residents of this prosperous community. Instead, the Canadian Pacific Railway chose to build its rail line south of Nelson, near Dead Horse Creek.
When the people of Nelson realized they would have no railwayconnection,theybegantorelocatetoMorden. During 1884and 1885itwas a dailysighttosee a numberofbuildings onsledgesandskidsbeingtowedtotherailwayline. Brick buildings were torn down and the bricks sold to build farmhouses. Houses and businesses were moved in sections and reassembled in Morden.

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