
Post Office
Post Office and Sloan family residence. (used by Postmaster Cowings in later years)
Post Office
 1893 testablished at the Douglas McCallum home, NWV4 of 16-10-23 WI and known as Maskawata, meaning "oak tree" in Cree.
In 1905 Maskawata was moved to William Cowing's at S.W. 10-23 WI.
Finally, in 1939 Rural Mail Delivery on a regular basis was instituted so the old Post Office was closed.

1884-02-01 -  1939-11-16
    Sec. 16, Twp. 10, R. 23, W.I.M. - 1884-02-01     Sec. 29-10-23, W.P.M.

Maskawata – Ryerson
A cairn commemorates the location of Ryserson Church 1883 – 1939. Ryerson School 1886 – 1967, and Maskawata Post Office 1884 – 1939.
GPS: 49.857195  /  100. 577101

Ryerson Methodist Church
A small group of people from the Ryerson district  gathered at Mrs. E. Cairns' home for church services under the guidance of Rev. R. Avison, the Methodist minister of the Griswold-Alexander mission, in 1884. The following year they started the Sunday School at Mr. William Smith's home aided by dis- carded books from Walkerton. Ben Little was the  teacher.
For three years were held at Cairns' and then from 1887 to 1901 they were held in Ryerson School. The people started hauling stones from the Assiniboine Valley to be used in the foundation of their new church. bought the brick at Carberry but it had to be unloaded at Oak Lake and hauled by team and sleigh. 
The pulpit was made by Mr. Ed. Lund from cherry wood brought from William Smith's farm in Ontario. The lower hall was of stone lined with matched lumber, the upper part brick veneer construction. It was well and truly built. Much of the work was done by volunteer labour and
apparently the church opened free of debt.

Ryerson School

The school was built in 1886 and opened April  1st, 1887. There were 17 names on the roll and James B. Cook from Maple Hill, Ontario, was the teacher.


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