
Main Street - 2022

The Lavenham Brickyard

From Manitoba Brick  -  By David Butterfield ....

Portage la Prairie-area contractor Andrew Dykeman established this yard in the autumn of 1907. He does not appear to have been able to fire a kiln of brick that year as he expected, for he got busy building grain elevators. He got the yard going in July 1908 and burned his first kiln of brick late in August. The following year was a short season for the Dykeman yard, for he burned his first kiln of red brick in late September before he closed the yard in mid-October. During 1910 the area railway spur was extended to this yard, and there were four single- and two double-brick houses being constructed at Lavenham. That year Dykeman had orders for 2/3 of his year’s production, with the largest portion going to Regina for some of its new government buildings.
Details of the remaining years of the Lavenham yard are somewhat hazy. The yard is known to have started up for the 1912 season during late May. By September Dykeman’s kiln could not keep pace with the rest of the brick works. This necessitated closing down the brick-makers until the driers could catch up. The final season of full operation probably came in 1913, though the business was still mentioned in the 1915, 1917 and 1919 Business Directories. In the spring and summer of 1915 Dykeman was supplementing his income by selling oats and shipping grain.

Manitoba Museum Information (Hugh Henry, 1992):
Operation 1
Dates of operation: 1912-1914
Owner/Operator: M. McLean
Location: SW 1⁄4-6-10-10-W1 (2 1⁄2 miles N.E. of village)
Related Information: soft mud, common, buff-coloured brick
Source of information: “Report on Manitoba Clays”, Walsh 1931, Department of Energy and Mines files

The Lavenham Orange Hall (An HRB Research PDF)

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