Lauder Sandhills Trails

Visit the Northside trails...

There are several trails in this large Wildlife Management Area, directly north of Lauder, between the Souris River and Grande Clairiere.


49* 27’ 11.43” N
100* 40’ 11.31” W

Trail 2

49* 28’ 20.88” N
100* 42’ 42.60” W

The Wildlife Management Area is 3,145 ha of land,  6 km west of Hartney

Originally established to protect white-tailed deer winter habitat, this WMA is also one of the best places in Manitoba to see orange-crowned warblers. Five species of woodpeckers and seven species of flycatchers have also been observed in the WMA.

Sand dunes and rolling hills are found through the central portion of the area, and flat terrain with aspen forests and open grasslands are located towards the area's periphery. Oaks tend to dominate the crests of the hills, while aspen and dense stands of hazel are found in the depressions and on north-facing slopes.
Associated shrubs are chokecherry and juniper.

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