In the early 1880's three different families left their
Ontario Homes. They landed in the Strathclair District, thought well of
what they saw and decided to take root. The land south of the Little
Saskatchewan River had all been taken as homesteads, so they crossed
the river and settled. These families were the J.B. Wilsons, who
settled on the S.W. I /4 of Section 22-17-21. The Haacke family who
located on the N.W. l/4 of section 22-17-21, and James Forsythe with
his ten children, and also their eldest daughter and her husband Pat
McNulty. James Forsythe, his two sons and his son-in-law each
homesteaded a quarter of section 28-17-21. Mr. Forsythe on the S.E.,
his son Alex on the N.E., Jim on the N.W. and Pat McNulty on the S.V/.
The J.B. Wilson family consisted of nine children. Mr. Haacke had
brought four of his sons, the younger members of his family. The girls
and boys of the four families grew together almost as one family. The
only road to the settlement south of the river was through the Wilson
Hills, known by that since Mr. Wilson's farm came right to the head of
the hills, so they did not travel far afield.
About this time an old country man Mr. McDowell came into this settlement and took up a homestead on the farm now owned by Vernon Mclntyre. In fun he named the different districts and people. His own place he called Paradise. South of the river was Canaan. The little settlement north of the river he called Egypt. Of course they had to have a king. There was King David of Canaan and Egypt had two kings, King Pharaoh and King Solomon. See "Strathclair, Manitoba: Our Story to 1984" Maps Plus (See the context...) Heritage Site Maps... |