Calf Mountain

This ancient burial mound south of Darlingford is the landmark most frequently mentioned in early records of southern Manitoba.

This site is one of the most significant ones on the Boundary Commission Trail, at the point where the Hunter Trail from Winnipeg, the Boundary Commission Trail from Emerson, and the exit of the Cart Trail to the north-west came together.

Human settlement in this part of Manitoba can be traced to at least the 8th century AD. Research at Calf Mountain, a mound builder site, indicated its use as a burial site from the 8th to the 15th century.

Numerous indigenous peoples have left their mark on the area. The mound is frequently mentioned in early records of southern Manitoba. In addition to copper from Michigan and shells from the Gulf of Mexico and Vancouver Island, more than 20 skeletons in a sitting position have been uncovered.

Credits: Al Thorleifson
It is at the point where the Hunter Trail from Winnipeg, the Boundary Commission Trail from
Emerson, and the exit of the Cart Trail to the north-west came together.

The mound was excavated by Henry Montgomery in 1909.

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.18094, W98.38606

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