A monument, erected in July 1988, commemorates the
Boundary Commission
Trail, the village of Alexandria, Alexandria School No. 73, Elam School
No. 684, and Ebenezer Church.
Boundary Trail Cairn - south of the Alexandria
n 1802 Alexander Henry who
managed the North West Co. at Pembina had a post named Pinancewaywining
built about six kilometres south of Thornhill.
Augustin Cadotte and Antoine Payet, who managed the post could be
considered the first permanent white residents of the community.
The Townsite of Alexandria was surveyed in the fall of
1877, Just
across the valley south-west of the cairn. The ambitious plan contained
13.5 blocks with 270 lots on approximately 53 acres and was the
second townsite west of the first meridian to be surveyed in Manitoba.
Services included a post office, the Manitoba Hotel, and a general
Alexandria School District No.73, was formed in 1879 and a
school was of oak lumber from the Nelson Bros. saw-mill
next door at Mountain City.
This photo, from June 11, 1873, shows a supply train
of the Boundary Commission making its way past the site of Fort
Pinancewaywining and the future site of Alexandria.
Archive of Manitoba Collection
For more info visit the Pembina Manitou Archive
From the Writings of Felix Kuehn...
In his Loneliness in the City of Alexandria
One might suspect that whoever selected the name Alexandria for this
townsite must have been something of a classical scholar to have chosen
the Egyptian city established in 332 B. C. as its namesake.
the Great, founder of the original Alexandria, a city famed for
centuries as possessing the most celebrated library of antiquity, is a
well-known historical figure. Unfortunately, we know almost
about the founder of Manitoba’s city of the same name, Mr. John W.
Harris, a land surveyor who secured the n ½ 2026 in December, 1876 and,
in July 1877, the east and northwest quarters. Of course, we also
aware that his wife’s name was Susan Elizabeth Harris, for it was in
her name that all this property was held. During the summer of
Mr. Harris surveyed 53 acres into 13.5 blocks containing 270 lots for
the city of Alexandria. This was a busy season for him as he also
marked out the townsite of Mountain City that summer.
In June 1877, Alexandria post office, the first west of West Lynne, was
opened nearby in the home of Mr. John Thompson, a homesteader of
August, 1875 on nw 2226w. Henderson’s Directory for 1877-1878
us that the surrounding township, Alexandria as it was known, was well
settled and “likely will soon have a post office.” Its two businessmen,
according to this publication, were Mr. R. E. Brown, a storekeeper and
Mr. Alexander Hazelwood, a carpenter.
In spite of the goodly number of settlers living in the neighbourhood
and the “great exertions being made to make this one of the principal
points in this part of the country, (as noted in Henderson’s Directory
for 1878-1879), the growth of Alexandria as a centre of this settlement
was not rapid. Certainly, this was not any fault of the choice
for its
location, a beautiful level section of prairie overlooking the crossing
of Dead Horse Creek by the Commission Trail. Recalling his
in passing through Alexandria for the first time in September, 1879,
Fr. Theobald Bitsche, the first resident priest of St. Leon parish in
the Pembina Mountain, wrote: “To my astonishment, I found myself
the midst of innumerable signs indicating many streets and lanes of the
future, but I found only a single house serving as the store and place
of lodging for the single inhabitant of the place.”
“The single inhabitant of the place” was Mr. Tomas McInrue, a
bachelor. By 1878, again according to Henderson’s Directory,
Alexandria was also a Methodist church appointment served by Rev. J. M.
Harrison of Thornhill. His home was in 36, Thornhill Township,
not far
from Nelsonville.
The year 1879 brought the Richard Sweet Sr. family to the
Early the following year, they purchase an eleven-acre parcel of land
on the corner of the Alexandria townsite where they built a home
sufficiently large to also serve as a stopping house and store.
doubled the population and business facilities of Alexandria. The
February, 1881 edition of the Winnipeg Daily Times, in an article
entitled “Southwestern Manitoba; Progress in Three Months as Observed
by Two Winnipeggers” outlined the latest developments in Alexandria
The next morning, they drove to the “city of Alexandria,” a distance of
about fifteen miles. About a year ago, Alexandria consisted of a
single house, inhabited by a single man, a Mr. McInrue, who had not
even a dog, cat or other domestic animal to keep him company, but who,
in his loneliness, carried on the business of a store and post
It was very hard at that time even to find the city. During the
interval of one year, however, certain improvements have taken
There is now a second store kept by a Mr. Sweet. Mr. McInrue is
there but he is no longer alone, having taken to himself a wife.
are also two private dwellings or nearly that number in the “city.”
The Sweets were devout Bible Christians, members of one of the early
branches of the Methodist church, a faith they shared with their
neighbours, the various units of the Elliott family and the John and
James Ching families. As soon as the Sweet home was habitable,
John Greenway, brother of the Hon. Thomas Greenway, came from Crystal
City to preach. Generally, his morning services were at Crystal
his evening services at Alexandria. At the June, 1880 conference
the Bible Christian Church, a Re3v. Silas Cunning received an
appointment to Alexandria. Recalled as a popular clergyman and an
effective preacher, he made his home with the Sweets and conducted his
services in their house. Early in 1880, a decision was made to
build a
church and thereafter the story of Alexandria largely centers around
this church. Lumber was purchased in Emerson sixty miles distant
hauled to the building site on the nw corner of the nw ¼ 19-29w, just
across the road from the Sweet home. It was completed in 1881 and
dedicated with the name Ebenezer, the Hebrew word for “God is our Help.”
In mid-November 1882, the Ebenezer congregation secured Rev. Andrew
Gordon as minister. By now, there was a parsonage, the irst home
Manitoba for Rev. and Mrs. Gordon and their six children three boys and
three girls. It was not completed until the following spring and
Gordons spent their first winter in a house that more resembled a
granary than a parsonage. Some sixty years later their daughter,
Gordon, recalling this home wrote:
Battling with frost was an hourly job indoors but without danger.
Breakfast was resplendent within diamond-circled walls as every bentin
nail was hoar-frosted, giving the walls between the studding the sheen
of a fairy palace. In an hour or two the warmer air dissolved the fairy
palace and the fairies slid down and turned to ice when they reached
the foundationless floor. When this ice, on a warmer day, started
trickle over the floor, it was a chore for the two younger boys, Bert
and Rob, to carefully chop the ice and throw it out. This task
to be fun as the weeks and months of the long bitter winter all too
soon changed to milder weather. |
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