Overviews & Locations

Flour MillsSawmills  | Food ProcessingBrickyardsManufacturing Lime Kilns

In this general overview we have mapped the locations and listed the enterprises.
For an introduction to the general nature of each industry see, Part 2
For more information on the individual enterprises, presented by Community, see Part 3 

Flour Mills     Pembina Region - East


Mill owners Isaac and David Fehr

Blumenort: 1877


Findlay Brothers


Charles Borrow - 1876 


David Peters - 1889


Flour mill started by Cary and Grant, burned.  Ca. 1887

Manitou  / Manitoba City

Manitou Roller Mills   1883
In about 1885, the McIntosh Mill from the abandoned village of Norquay


1885 - Ritchie and Lundy’s  completed a flour mill and had it in in full operation.
1890 Morden Flour Mill established

Mountain City

Nelson Milling Co. moved from Nelsonville


Adam Nelson – 1879. Nelson Milling Co.  – 1879 Mr. Fraser – renamed Belmont Mills.

Pembina Crossing

1882 William P. Hutchinson

Pilot Mound

George White operated a grist mill and McDonald and Band built another mill.

West Lynne

1883 – HBC & Stuaffer’s Flour Mills,


Dyck and Peters built the Winkler Grist Mill. Winkler Roller Mills replaced that service.

Flour Mills     Pembina Region - West


In 1889 R.A. Sheppard, John Gimby, John Wallace, George B. Wray, A. Davidson, T.S. Mennary and E.D. Coates, planned to build a small mill at Cartwright, Manitoba.”

William Coulthard and his brothers John and Tom came to “Old” Clearwater in 1881, and built a gristmill on the river

Crystal City

1883 Crystal City mills commenced operations

In 1882 by Blaine & Reid were operating a busy flour mill at the “old” site of Glenora


The Harrison Mill opened in 1897 and thrived for decades

Finlay Young and Tom Buck built a flour mill in Killarney in 1893


The short-lived Pembina Crossing mill was given a new life in Neelin, at the western edge of Rock Lake. Watson and Cowie, set up both a sawmill and a gristmill in the valley.


Between Rock Lake and Pilot Mound a saw and grist mill was built by James Preston in 1879.


The Harrison Brothers opened the first Flour Mill in the Turtle Mountain region in 1879.

Sawmills     Pembina Region - East


Bolton’s Mill and Woodwork

1881 Carney & Watson
Noble and Follis
Pembina Crossing

Watson’s Mill 1882

Pilot Mound

George White - 1881

Sawmills     Pembina Region - West

Cartwright (Rock Lake) – Jim Waugh


1882 by Blaine & Reid - 1882


The Pembina Crossing flour mill was moved to Neelin by Watson and Cowie, 

In 1879 a saw and grist mill was built by James Preston


Harrison Brothers 1879

Food Processing     Pembina Region – East

Pilot Mound

Oatmeal Mill -0 George Dow


Creamery and Cheese Factory
Soda Water Works, Oatmeal Mill, pump factory

J. Rockett - cheese factory beside Mary Jane Creek.

West Lynne

Brewery,  Pop Factory, Cheese Factory

Food Processing     Pembina Region – West


Before the 1900's, a cheese factory was started by W.G. Robinson it operated for only a short time. Oscar Beach began making cheese at his farm home.  

Crystal City

Alexander Taylor managed a cheese factory at Crystal City.


1889 Cheese factory – Isaac Wood manager. Nathan Clark also had a Cheese Factory.


Soft Drink Factory

Mather was one of a few communities that produced soft drinks.  John Davie and Walter Small had a soft drink factory beginning in 1913.   The product was called “Jersey Cream”. They started on their farm, but moved in to Mather.


William Coutts promoted a Cheese Factory which operated successfully in the district for several years.

John Hettle – Cheese Factory - 1885

Brickyards     Pembina Region – East


About 1898 Whalen’s Brick & Tile
Darlingford Brick & Tile Co. Ltd.  ca. 1910


About 1902 a brickyard was established with a payroll of about thirty men, including W. Carmichael as manager. He was followed by G.W. Dellar. The brickyards stayed in business for about five years.

MacGregor’s brickyard was south of the townsite and its products were used to erect several substantial brick buildings, including the Dominion Post Office.

Pilot Mound

East of the Mound ca. 1880

Brickyards     Pembina Region – West


Church’s Brickyard 1884- 1903

Manufacturing     Pembina Region – East

Manitoba City / Manitou

Pump Factory, Carriage Maker, Sash & Door Factory


Noble and Follis manufactured common lumber, doors, sash, blinds. They employed about twenty-five hands.

Edward Sabin & Co. were general carriage, sleigh and cutter manufacturers.  

Manufacturing   Pembina Region – West


The Lightning Rod Factory
This flourishing industry was started by Munro Brothers and Ferris in 1910.

Pump Factory
Patrick Crawford McKibbin started a pump factory using logs from the area.
Albert Stillwell blacksmith and carriage maker.

Lime Kilns   Pembina Region – West


Preston Lime Kiln


A lime kiln operated one mile south of the Ninga Cemetery.

Several lime kilns in the region

Pilot Mound

There was a lime kiln on the east side of the mound.