Paddle Board Diary

 May of 2013 -  more  photos.

June 30, 2013

A run down the Little Saskatchawan from where it crosses  #10 Highway between Minnedosa and Erickson, to the campground at Minnedosa.

Wayne leading, Geoff & I following, taken from Highway 10 north of Minnedosa.

September, 16, 2013

My first trip on the Assiniboine River.

 The Assiniboine is an easy-going river and by the end of an 8 hour day I was hooked. 

The board, resting between Stockton Ferry and Spruce Woods Park.

See more photos of the Assiniboine Route

September, 29, 2013

If we were lucky to get such a nice day for paddling on Sept. 16, we were even more fortunate to be paddling the Souris River on Sept. 29. It was a year of high water, or the route from Riverside Bridge to McKellar's Bridge would have been almost impassible. It gave me my first taste of negotiating gentle rapids.

Getting set under the old Riverside Bridge

Souris River, with very high water for late September. Quite calm here.

See more photos of the Souris Route

That was it for 2013. But I had a taste for it and was already looking forward to the next paddling season.

July 6 - 9

During a stay along Lake Winnipeg I got to try attacking waves of various strengths. It took many tries to be able to stand for any length of time, but once you learn to roll with them it becomes more natural. I didn't get to try it in a real high surf, but they were rolling in at up to two feet on a few days.

Waves on Lake Winnipeg.

The still above is taken from the following video and shows my second attempt at negotiating waves.
I hadn't mastered it but was able to remain standing for periods of time.


July 27

Wayne, Brent and I embarked at Rivers and took two hours paddling through almost non-stop rapids, ending up at a point about a third of the way to Kirkham's Bridge. Rocks knocked me down a few times, and carelessness did me in a few more times, but it was a very satisfying trip. I'm going to buy alternate stabilization fins that will give me about 6 inches more clearance. That should make standing up through rapids much easier.

More on the Little Saskatchewan Canoe Routes...

Brent and I, near the start of the run

I'd dropped to my knees for a narrow rough channel in the background.  Then when I looked ahead it appeared that there were waves but no rocks so I stood up ... and

I'm in there.. somewhere.

This about sums it up.

Aug. 16 - 22: Willow Island

Six day of practice on flat water and waves. Some of the waves were a bit hard to handle, but again the flexiblity of the paddlebnoeard made it all fun. If you can't take them standing, try on your knees, but whatever you do don't let them broadside you!

Late August and early September: Two more paddles on William Lake...

2015 Season

Clear Lake, June 14

Wayne and I did a short paddle on Clear Lake. Challenging for me in that there was quite a wind by the time we were coming back in.

Aug.2: Wayne, the Sobrey's and I paddled the Little Saskatchewan from Kirkham's

2016 Season

June 1: Little Saskatchewan - Kirkham's Bridge. Lower water but good current - lots of rocks to dodge.

Photo by Wayne Kelly

July 8 - 15 Sunset Beach - Lake Winnipeg - Paddled in some waves and wind - also took a nice trip to nearby Stephen's Island.

July 30, - Aug. 2:  BC Trip - paddled in two beautiful lakes. Moyie  & Crowsnest.

Crowsnest Lake.

Aug. 12 - 19 - Winnipeg Beach 

Aug. 26 - Sept. 2, Gimli.
Paddled the waves at Loni Beach & Gimli Beach. Great family paddles at South Beach.

And, when travelling, rentals are popular... Geoff & I, Waikiki - 2018
