In 1940, Elsie Kolodzinski and her husband Walter purchased the Tolstoi hotel, in Tolstoi in what is now the Municipality of Emerson-Franklin. After Walter died in 1983, Elsie continued to run the hotel until 2008. When she closed the hotel on 29 February 2008, Elsie had operated it for 68 years. She was awarded with tributes for being the longest operating hotel owner in Manitoba. In 2022, the family sold the property to Ben Holodryga who reopened the hotel and has kept the interior furnishings and decor as a homage to Elsie. The upstairs hotel rooms have been renovated and are fully functional. The original beer cooler from the hotel is now housed in the Ukrainian National Home.
Elsie’s Tolstoi Hotel (October 2011)
Source: George Penner
Elsie’s Tolstoi Hotel (July 2020)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Elsie’s Tolstoi Hotel (September 2023)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Interior of Elsie’s Tolstoi Hotel (September 2023)
Source: Rose KuzinaSite Location (lat/long): N49.07546, W96.80874
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: Elsie Kolodzinski (1920-2010)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Ukrainian National Home (Tolstoi, Municipality of Emerson-Franklin)
Obituary [Elsie Kolodzinski], Winnipeg Free Press, 10 July 2010.
This page was prepared by George Penner, Rose Kuzina, and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 4 February 2024
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