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This Gothic Revival church at the intersection of First Street SW and Fourth Avenue SW in Dauphin was designed by local architect Joseph Henry Bossons and constructed between 1913 and 1914 to replace an earlier church dating from 1891. It was dedicated by Archbishop Samuel Pritchard Matheson at a service on 25 January 1914.
A. S. Wiley
F. S. de Mattos
H. P. Barrett
A. E. Cousins
W. Brailsford
Harold E. Bridgett (1893-1964)
T. W. Wilkinson
Marcus Trueman Robinson (c1903-1962)
Jeremy Van-Lane
J. G. Heald
J. F. Moorhead
St. Paul’s Anglican Church (circa 1923)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough, 2014-0083
St. Paul’s Anglican Church (June 2017)
Source: George Penner
St. Paul’s Anglican Church (September 2023)
Source: Glen Toews
Interior of St. Paul’s Anglican Church (June 2017)
Source: George Penner
Interior of St. Paul’s Anglican Church (June 2017)
Source: George PennerSite Location (lat/long): N51.14720, W100.05555
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: Joseph Henry Bossons (1859-1938)
Obituary [H. E. Bridgett], Winnipeg Free Press, 29 January 1964.
“Church figure dies in England,” Winnipeg Tribune, 8 February 1964.
Dauphin Valley Spans the Years by Dauphin Historical Society, July 1970, pages 145-147.
Dauphin: A Historical Walking Tour (Internet Archive, 24 June 2022), City of Dauphin.
We thank Glen Toews for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by George Penner and Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 3 November 2023
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