This Roman Catholic church at Ste. Agathe, in the Rural Municipality of Ritchot, was constructed in 1940 at a cost of about $35,000 by the parishioners under the guidance of parish priest Rev. E. Rocan.
Ste. Agathe Roman Catholic Church (April 2017)
Source: George Penner
Ste. Agathe Roman Catholic Church (November 2023)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Interior of Ste. Agathe Roman Catholic Church (April 2017)
Source: George PennerSite Location (lat/long): N49.56597, W97.18442
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Ste. Agathe Roman Catholic Cemetery (Ste. Agathe, RM of Ritchot)
“Church blessed,” Winnipeg Tribune, 2 November 1940, page 18.
We thank Rose Kuzina and Glen Toews for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by George Penner.
Page revised: 6 March 2025
Historic Sites of Manitoba
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