The land on which this two-storey brick house in the Rural Municipality of Dufferin is located was acquired in 1877 by Rodmond Palen Roblin during his early years as a farmer, grain buyer, and merchant in the Carman district. It later became the site of the family home and farmstead. The structure, which replaced an 1889 log house, was built in 1912 by the third of Roblin's five sons, Arthur Beltram Roblin (1885-1954). Known throughout its existence as “Maplewood”, Arthur Roblin lived on the farm with his wife Iona Evelyn Maude Roblin (1884-1948) until 1947. Having no children to inherit it, they sold the property and retired to a home in Winnipeg.
The building has undergone consideration exterior renovations over the past few years, and is a municipally designated heritage site (2003).
Roblin House (no date)
Source: Archives of Manitoba (MHS 1979 Photo Exhibit)
Roblin House (September 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Roblin House (November 2020)
Source: George PennerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.50158, W97.87623
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Memorable Manitobans: Arthur Beltram Roblin (1885-1954)
Memorable Manitobans: Rodmond Palen Roblin (1853-1937)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Municipally Designated Historic Sites
MHS Resources: Memorable Manitobans: The Homes
The Rural Municipality of Dufferin: 1880-1980 compiled and edited by June M. Watson, Rural Municipality of Dufferin, 1982, pages 45, 703.
Rodmond Roblin House, Manitoba Historic Resources Branch.
We thank George Penner for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 11 September 2024
Historic Sites of Manitoba
This is a collection of historic sites in Manitoba compiled by the Manitoba Historical Society. The information is offered for historical interest only.
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