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A wooden grain elevator at the railway siding of Newstead, on the CPR Glenboro Subdivision in what is now the Municipality of Souris-Glenwood, was built in 1936 by the McCabe Grain Company. Bought by United Grain Growers in 1968, the elevator was renovated and a balloon annex was moved beside it from nearby Carroll. The facility was closed in June 1982 and removed from the site.
Agent / Buyer
Harold “Curly” Law
John Unrau
United Grain Growers grain elevator at Newstead (no date)
Source: Julie Harris
United Grain Growers grain elevator at Newstead (June 1979)
Source: Charlotte Peach, 2021-0115
United Grain Growers grain elevator at Newstead (1981)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)Site Location (lat/long): N49.62142, W100.14492
denoted by symbol on the map above
Roland East topographic map, 62H/5 East, Edition 1 ASE, Series A743 [UFS Reference Collection].
United Grain Growers Fonds, University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections.
The People of Souris and Glenwood from the Earliest Beginnings to the Present by Souris and District Heritage Club Inc., 2006.
We thank Julie Harris, Pat Didychuk, and Charlotte Peach for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Glenn Dickson.
Page revised: 11 January 2022
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