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Agents / Buyers | Photos & Coordinates | Sources
A 48,000-bushel wooden grain elevator in the Rural Municipality of Portage la Prairie was built in 1955 by Manitoba Pool Elevators at the Longburn siding (about N50.11511 W98.46403) on the CNR Oakland Subdivision. Moved to Macdonald in 1965 and later to its present site near Bloom Siding along the Trans-Canada Highway, the building is used for private grain storage. Two covered hoppers used as dust bins were added when the elevator was moved to this site.
Agent / Buyer
D. B. McLardy
Joseph H. Arbuckle (1912-1974)
William Henry “Bill” Ruddock (1914-1985)
Walter J. Reid
William B. Izzard
George W. Whitlaw
Clair E. Lobreau
Donald A. Bahuaud
The former Manitoba Pool Grain Elevator from Longburn (July 1992)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Grain Elevator Inventory, slide 1964.
The former Manitoba Pool grain elevator from Longburn (September 2014)
Source: Jean McManus
Aerial view of the former Manitoba Pool grain elevator from Longburn (July 2020)
Source: George PennerSite Coordinates (lat/long): N49.97736, W98.51270
denoted by symbol on the map above
Obituary [Joseph Arbuckle], MacGregor Herald, 16 October 1974, page 11.
Obituary [William Henry Ruddock], Winnipeg Free Press, 18 March 1985, page 36.
When the West was Bourne: A History of Westbourne and District, 1860 to 1985 by Westbourne-Longbourne History, 1985, pages 112-114.
Manitoba Pool Fonds, S. J. McKee Archives, Brandon University.
Obituaries and burial transcriptions, Manitoba Genealogical Society.
We thank Jean McManus, Mike Lisowski, and George Penner for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 27 December 2020
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