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Agents / Buyers | Photos & Coordinates | Sources
A wooden grain elevator in Kane, on the CNR Miami Subdivision in the Rural Municipality of Morris, was built in 1920. Annexes were built beside it in 1952 and 1957. It was operated by the Canadian Consolidated Grain Company until 1959 then sold to United Grain Growers. Closed in May 1996, it was demolished on 9 August 1996.
Agent / Buyer
Roy Brown
Ollie Anderson
Mr. Persh
Bob Sargent
Harry Kliess
Robert Squires
Richard D. Hean
Vern Carroll
George Born
Jim Hildebrand
Eldon Dueck
Colin Heppner
Brad Gall
Gerald Heppner
Aerial view of grain elevators at Kane (1957)
Source: Howdy McPhail Aerial Photographs, University of Saskatchewan
United Grain Growers and Paterson grain elevators at Kane (1960)
Source: Agricore United Engineering Department, Tom Price (Mgr), provided by Glenn Dickson (University of Manitoba Archives & Special Collections)
United Grain Growers and Paterson grain elevators at Kane (July 1992)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Grain Elevator Inventory, slide 2158.Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.35458, W97.72773
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Paterson Grain Elevator (Kane, RM of Morris)
Prairie Regional Studies in Economic Geography No. 23: The Carman Region of Manitoba by Henry R. Fast and D. A. Neil, Agriculture Canada, 1975, page 105.
A History of Grain Elevators in Manitoba by John Everitt, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, circa 1993.
Kane: The Spirit Lives On by Kane History Book Committee, 2000.
We thank Eileen Kent for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Glenn Dickson.
Page revised: 8 June 2024
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