A wooden grain elevator at Inglis, on the CPR Russell Subdivision in what is now the Rural Municipality of Riding Mountain West, was built in 1940 by Reliance Grain beside a smaller one. These two elevators, once connected and operated from one office, were sold to Manitoba Pool in 1952. In 1971, during a friendly exchange involving United Grain Growers, Pool, and Paterson to consolidate shipping points, Pool sold its two Inglis elevators to UGG.
The agent’s office, joined to the elevator by a catwalk, is different from the traditional design because it has two rooms. Prior to electric power being brought to Inglis in 1949, diesel engines were used to provide power to operate the elevator. They were housed in these offices, away from the elevators for fire safety. The upper floor was where the agent worked while the lower portion housed the Rouston-Hornsby diesel engine that powered the belt-driven leg.
The former UGG grain elevators at Inglis shortly after being repainted to their earlier Reliance Grain colours (May 2007)
Source: Bernie Freeman
The former Reliance grain elevators at Inglis (November 2010)
Source: George Penner
The former Reliance grain elevators at Inglis (August 2020)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Restored agent’s office for the former Reliance grain elevators at Inglis (August 2020)
Source: Rose KuzinaSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.94414, W101.24916
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Inglis Grain Elevators National Historic Site (Inglis, RM of Riding Mountain West)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Paterson Grain Elevator (Inglis, RM of Riding Mountain West)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Province Grain Elevator / Reliance Grain Elevator A / Manitoba Pool Grain Elevator A / United Grain Growers Grain Elevator 2 (Inglis, RM of Riding Mountain West)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Northern Grain Elevator / National Grain Elevator / Cargill Grain Elevator (Inglis, RM of Riding Mountain West)
Historic Sites of Manitoba: United Grain Growers Grain Elevator (Inglis, RM of Riding Mountain West)
We thank Bernie Freeman for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough, Rose Kuzina, and George Penner.
Page revised: 20 December 2020
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