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The Horod School District was formally established in April 1906, named for a shortened version of Horodnytsia, the home village in Ukraine of a local settler. In 1909, a one-room wood frame building was constructed by volunteers under the direction of carpenters John and Fred Sichewski. The 22-foot by 40-foot building had a cloak room, science room, and small library. Classes began in August 1909 with 44 students in grades 1 to 9 under the direction of teacher Mr. Smook. Horod School closed in 1960 and henceforth students from the area went to Elphinstone Consolidated School No. 196.
From 1960 to early 1989, the building was used for storage of lumber and grain. At a public meeting in July 1989, it was decided to restore the school to its original state, and to hold a reunion of former students and teachers in August 1990. The school was designated a municipal heritage site (1989) by the Rural Municipality of Park (now the Municipality of Harrison Park) in October 1989 and repairs were made. In addition to the former school building, the original teacherage, playground, flagpole, and outdoor toilets are still present. A cairn at the site was dedicated on 5 August 1990 to the district pioneers, 325 students, and 36 teachers of Horod School.
The teachers who worked at Horod School through the years included: Mr. Smook (1909), John Basarab (1910), William Jerowsky (1911-1912), A. Mykytuik (1913), Stephen Brygedyr (1914), Nicholas Halas (1916), Alex Klymkiw (1918-1919), Dmytro Dutchak (1921-1922), D. A. Sikorski (1923), W. H. Brown (1923-1924), Mrs. Hawkins (1925), Mrs. Barbara Leary (1925), John M. Hawryluik (1925-1926), Clara Lucow (1928-1929), Vida McDonald (1929-1931), A. E. Tully (1931-1932), Lillian Lubiniecki (1932-1934), Mary Nychek Matation (1934-1935), Lillian Twerdun (1935-1937), Anne Chornomaz (1937-1938), Peter Lewiski (1938-1939), John J. Nowosad (1939-1941), Olive Misanchuk (1941-1942), Basil Trakalo (1942-1943), William J. Sianchuk (1943-1947), Eleanor Matietz (1947-1950), Helen Derzak Malchuk (1950-1951), Bernice Korolyk (1951-1953), Ernie Stefanuk (1953-1954), Mrs. Bertha Kwiatkowski (1954-1955), A. Mikolayenko (1955-1956), and Nicholas Gensiorek (1956-1959).
Exterior of Horod School (1978)
Source: Manitoba Historic Resources Branch, HRR4577.
Interior of Horod School (1978)
Source: Manitoba Historic Resources Branch, HRR4580.
The former Horod School building (July 2012)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
The former Horod School building (August 2020)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Interior of Horod School (July 2012)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Interior of Horod School (July 2012)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
The Horod School teacherage on a hill overlooking the school, fully restored and furnished inside (July 2012)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
Interior of the Horod School teacherage (August 2020)
Source: Rose Kuzina
The Horod School monument, dedicated at a reunion in 1990 (July 2012)
Source: Gordon GoldsboroughSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.65026, W100.29982
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Municipally Designated Historic Sites
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
From the Past to the Present, 1898-1987 by Parkland Ukrainian Pioneer Association, circa 1988. [Legislative Library of Manitoba, Rare Book Collection F5648.P36 Fro]
A Study of Public School Buildings in Manitoba by David Butterfield, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 1994, 230 pages.
Horod School, NE 22-19-21 WPM, Elphinstone area, Manitoba Historic Resources Branch.
We thank Nathan Kramer and Rose Kuzina for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 25 January 2022
Historic Sites of Manitoba
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