Historic Sites of Manitoba: Highway and Bridge Workers Monument (Raleigh Street, East St. Paul)

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Located near the southeast corner of Raleigh Street at Sperring Avenue in East St. Paul, this monument and its three plaques commemorate the highway and bridge builders of Manitoba. The centre plaque was dedicated by Premier Brian William Pallister and Infrastructure Minister Ronald Reinhold “Ron” Schuler on 31 October 2018, in association with the $250 million complete redevelopment of the Provincial Trunk Highway 59 North and Provincial Trunk Highway 101 (North Perimeter) interchange, along with other connected improvements and realignments to nearby roadway infrastructure in both East St. Paul and Winnipeg.

The four bridges spanning Raleigh Street next to this monument’s site were part of the eleven bridges built as part of this project. Work on this large-scale operation ran from July 2015 into late 2019, with a phased opening to traffic in most directions on 15 September 2019. The three plaques are mounted on a concrete median barrier, with the two flanking plaques listing the several hundred highway and bridge workers employed on this project.

Photos & Coordinates

Highway and Bridge Workers Monument

Highway and Bridge Workers Monument (June 2023)
Source: Nathan Kramer

Highway and Bridge Workers Monument

Highway and Bridge Workers Monument (June 2023)
Source: Nathan Kramer

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.95577, W97.03781
denoted by symbol on the map above


PTH 59 North and PTH 101 (North Perimeter Highway) Interchange Project, Manitoba Infrastructure.

Building Winnipeg Interchange, Flatiron Corporation.

PTH 59 at Perimeter Highway Set to Reopen in Stages Following Improvements, 13 September 2018, Manitoba Government News Release.

This page was prepared by Nathan Kramer.

Page revised: 8 August 2023

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