Historic Sites of Manitoba: Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society Grain Elevator (Glass, RM of Springfield)

A disused wooden grain elevator in the Rural Municipality of Springfield was formerly used by the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society to buy prairie grain to supply its flour mills in Scotland. Formerly on the CNR Minaki Subdivision at the siding of Glass, it was moved about two miles northwest of the original site (about N49.88428, W96.72768) but was demolished in 2015.

Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society grain elevator at Glass

Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society grain elevator at Glass (May 1953) by Hermann Tittley
Source: Ed Tittley

Former Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society grain elevator at Glass

Former Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society grain elevator at Glass (October 1992)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Grain Elevator Inventory, slide 1932.

Former Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society grain elevator at Glass

Former Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society grain elevator at Glass (July 2014)
Source: Jean McManus

Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.89654, W96.77198
denoted by symbol on the map above


Dugald East topographic map, 62H/15 East, Edition 2, Series A743 [Archives of Manitoba].

We thank Ed Tittley and Eileen Kent for providing additional information used here.

This page was prepared by Jean McManus and Gordon Goldsborough.

Page revised: 15 July 2023

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