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This school on Third Street in Brandon, designed by the Winnipeg architectural firm of Smith Munn Carter and Katelnikoff and opened in 1954, was named for school board official George Fitton. It was expanded in 1966 on a design by local architect Ian McKenzie Brown.
William John Peden (1903-1991)
Mrs. Lillian Caryk
George Pavlin (1928-2004)
Mrs. Lillian Caryk
Robert T. Blair
Mrs. P. M. Cairns
School Year
Miss J. Alexiuk (grade 2), Mrs. S. Armstrong (grade 4), Mrs. P. Cairns (grade 5), Mrs. M. Crandle (grade 3), Miss E. Gusdal (grade 3), V. G. Hillcox (grade 6), Mrs. E. M. Hood (grade 5), Miss D. Hyndman (grade 1), Mrs. C. Larson (grade 4), Mrs. G. Matcher (grade 2), Mrs. F. Nolan (grade 5), William John Peden (grade 6), Miss B. Sanford (grade 1), Miss M. Taylor (grade 3)
Miss P. Anderson, J. Clark, Mrs. M. Crandle, V. Hillcox, Mrs. E. Hood, Mrs. C. Larson, Miss K. Olafsson, Miss A. Rempel, Miss H. Sokalski, Miss D. Stuart, Miss M. Taylor, Miss E. Veale, Mrs. M. Weins
Miss P. Anderson (grade 2), J. Clarke (grade 5), Miss D. Cook (grade 2), Mrs. M. Crandle (grade 3), Miss I. Graham (grade 1), V. Hillcox (grade 5), Mrs. C. Larson (grade 4), Miss E. Livingstone (grade 1), Miss K. Olafsson (grade 1), William John Peden (grade 6), Miss J. Pickard (grade 3), Miss A. Rempel (grade 4), Miss E. Veale (grade 2), Miss V. Waytowich (grade 3)
Miss P. Anderson (grade 2), Miss L. Bay (grade 4), Miss S. Brown (grade 2), Miss D. Cook (grade 2), Miss I. Graham (grade 1), V. Hillcox (grade 5), Miss C. Larson (grade 4), Miss E. Livingstone (grade 1), Miss C. Olafsson (grade 1), William John Peden (grade 6), Miss A. Rempel (grade 4), Mrs. E. Rollins (grade 3), Miss F. Smith (grade 3), Miss V. Waytowich (grade 3)
Miss L. Campbell (kindergarten), Mrs. D. Dagg (grade 2), Mrs. D. Friesen (grade 3), Mrs. P. Gillespie (grade 1), V. Hillcox (grade 5), Mrs. E. Hood (grade 6), Miss E. Livingstone (grade 1), Mrs. J. Lumbard (grade 1), William John Peden (grade 6), Miss J. Pickard (grade 4), Mrs. P. Reid (grade 4), Miss M. Robinson (grade 2), Miss F. Smith (grade 3), Mrs. G. Van Buskirk (grade 5)
Miss M. A. Eamer, Mrs. D. A. Friesen, Mrs. R. M. Gillespie, Mrs. M. D. Goodmanson, V. G. Hillcox, Mrs. E. M. Hood, Miss M. G. Hoy, Miss J. M. Pickard, Mrs. P. M. Reid, Mrs. E. M. Thornton, Miss S. M. Trafford, Mrs. G. M. Van Buskirk, Mrs. R. Wightman
Mrs. P. E. Bowslaugh, Mrs. V. L. Duce, Miss M. A. Eamer, Miss D. Farough, Mrs. P. M. Gillespie, Miss N. E. Henton, Miss M. B. Ilott, D. J. Palidwar, Miss J. M. Pickard, Mrs. P. M. Reid, Mrs. E. M. Thornton, Miss P. D. Ward, Mrs. R. Wightman (kindergarten)
Mrs. P. E. Bowslaugh, Miss D. C. Chaikin, Mrs. D. J. Diller, Mrs. V. L. Duce, Mrs. P. M. Gillespie, Miss S. L. Henuset, Miss M. B. Ilott, David John McDowell, D. J. Palidwar, Miss J. M. Pickard, Mrs. P. M. Reid, Mrs. E. J. Rollins, Mrs. E. M. Thornton, Mrs. R. Wightman (kindergarten)
Mrs. P. E. Bowslaugh (grade 1), Miss Colleen A. Bridgett (grade 5), Miss D. C. Chaikin (grade 2), Miss J. E. Dyer (grade 6), Miss K. G. Enns (grade 2), Miss C. A. Malcolm (grade 4), Miss J. M. Marcino (grade 1), Mrs. V. M. Olenick (grade 3), David J. Palidwar (grade 5), W. J. Peden (grade 6), Miss J. M. Pickard (grade 4), Mrs. E. J. Rollins (grade 3), Mrs. I. Shobrooke (grade 2), Miss J. M. Werner (special classes), Mrs. R. Wightman (kindergarten)
Mrs. J. Amiotte (ungraded), Mrs. M. Bell (grade 5), Mrs. P. E. Bowslaugh (grade 1), Miss Colleen A. Bridgett (grade 5), Mrs. Cairns (grade 6), Miss D. C. Chaikin (grade 2), Mrs. C. Chudley (grade 4), Mrs. L. Gregor, Mrs. C. Larson (grade 4), Mrs. V. M. Olenick (grade 3), David J. Palidwar (grade 6), Miss J. M. Pickard (grade 4), Mrs. E. J. Rollins (grade 2), Mrs. J. Shewan (grade 1), Mrs. R. Wightman (kindergarten)
Site Coordinates (lat/long): N49.83266, W99.94154
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Manitoba Business: Smith Carter and Katelnikoff / Smith Carter Architects and Engineers / Architecture49
Memorable Manitobans: George Arthur Fitton (1875-1956)
“Brandon trustee injured,” Winnipeg Free Press, 19 November 1953, page 3.
“Back to school Tuesday,” Brandon Sun, 29 August 1958, page 3.
“Brandon school teachers for 1959-60,” Brandon Sun, 29 August 1959, page 2.
“6,000 Brandon students go back to work on Tuesday,” Brandon Sun, 3 September 1960, page 12.
“Teachers listed for opening of schools on Tuesday,” Brandon Sun, 2 September 1961, page 12.
“Teachers are assigned to schools,” Brandon Daily Sun, 28 August 1962, page 10.
“33 newcomers on elementary schools staff,” Brandon Sun, 21 August 1963, page 15.
“39 newcomers on elementary staff,” Brandon Sun, 19 August 1964, page 13.
“Architect appointed,” Brandon Sun, 20 July 1965, page 3.
“191 teachers placed here,” Brandon Sun, 20 August 1965, page 8.
“Over 200 elementary teachers,”Brandon Sun, 23 August 1966, page 16.
Brandon Elementary Schools, 1867-1979, Canada-Confederation, Brandon School Division, 1967.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough.
Page revised: 20 December 2022
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