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The Erinside School District was formally established in June 1913 and a one-room schoolhouse was erected on the southeast quarter of 23-16-1 west of the Principal Meridian, near the railway siding of Erinview in the Rural Municipality of Woodlands. The school closed in early 1964 and the district was dissolved in January 1965. Its catchment area became part of the Teulon Consolidated School District No. 1093 which in turn became part of the Interlake School Division.
As of the summer of 2020, the building was still standing, along with its adjacent teacherage. However, the rear part of the teacherage has collapsed. The school and teacherage comprise a municipally-designated historic site (2001).
Among the teachers of Erinside School were Gladys Jickling (Spring-Fall 1914), William A. Sykes (Spring 1915), Margaret Martin (Fall 1915 - Fall 1916), Ella MacTavish Kennedy (Spring 1917 - Spring 1918 & August - pt November 1918), school closed due to Spanish Influenza (pt November 1918 - January 1919), Bertha Johnson (February-June 1919& Fall 1919), Madeline L. Procter (Spring-Fall 1920), Jessie Osborne (Spring-Fall 1921), Eleanor Fisher (Spring 1922 - Spring 1923), Harriet Sims (Fall 1923 - Spring 1926), J. V. Stewart (Fall 1926 - Spring 1927), Andrew Murriell [Murrill?] Thompson (Fall 1927 - Spring 1931), Robert Octavius Picken Bolton (Fall 1931 - Spring 1936), Hedwig Margaret Billson (Fall 1936 - Spring 1937), Aneita Gertrude Snyder (Fall 1937 - Spring 1939), Evelyne Frances Sedar (Fall 1939 - Spring 1940), Margaret Grace Kiddle (Fall 1940 - Spring 1943), Ainsley Main (Fall 1943 - Spring 1944), Ellen Ward (Fall 1944 - Spring 1948 & Fall 1949 - Spring 1953), Eleanor May Goodwin (Fall 1948 - Spring 1949), Marie Louise Last (Fall 1953 - Spring 1954), Melvin Myrs [Myers?] Bodnarus (Fall 1954 - Spring 1955), Marion Evelyn Jean McKinnon (Fall 1955 - Spring 1962), Frances Annie Vidal (Fall 1962 - Spring 1963), and Jean M. Chartrand (Fall 1963 - Spring 1964).
Erinside School (no date) by M. Hall-Jones
Source: Archives of Manitoba, School Inspectors Photographs,
GR8461, A0233, C131-3, page 16.
The former Erinside School building and teacherage (circa 1984)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Public School Buildings Inventory, slide 1680.
The former Erinside School building (circa 1990)
Source: Historic Resources Branch, Public School Buildings Inventory, slide 1500.
The former Erinside School building (June 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
The former Erinside School building (October 2015)
Source: George Penner
The former Erinside School building (May 2020)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Interior of the former Erinside School building (May 2020)
Source: Rose Kuzina
The former Erinside School Teacherage (June 2011)
Source: Gordon Goldsborough
The former Erinside School Teacherage (May 2020)
Source: Rose Kuzina
Interior of the former Erinside School Teacherage (May 2020)
Source: Rose Kuzina
The former Erinside School and Teacherage (April 2023)
Source: Rose KuzinaSite Coordinates (lat/long): N50.37458, W97.48466
denoted by symbol on the map above
See also:
Historic Sites of Manitoba: Municipally Designated Historic Sites
One Hundred Years in the History of the Rural Schools of Manitoba: Their Formation, Reorganization and Dissolution (1871-1971) by Mary B. Perfect, MEd thesis, University of Manitoba, April 1978.
A Study of Public School Buildings in Manitoba by David Butterfield, Historic Resources Branch, Manitoba Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism, 1994, 230 pages.
Summative half-yearly returns for school districts (A 0051), GR0571, Archives of Manitoba.
School division half-yearly attendance reports (E 0757), Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Erinside School District No. 1682 - Daily Registers, GR2046, Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Erinside School District No. 1682 - Census Reocrds, GR2046, Archives of Manitoba.
Manitoba School Records Collection, Erinside School District No. 1682 - Minute Books, GR2043, Archives of Manitoba.
Erinside School and Teacherage, Manitoba Historic Resources Branch.
We thank George Penner and Rose Kuzina for providing additional information used here.
This page was prepared by Gordon Goldsborough and Nathan Kramer.
Page revised: 15 August 2023
Historic Sites of Manitoba
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